Chapter Twenty-Six: Who Am I? Who Are You?

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Yellow! I know I'm updating early but I figured it was best since I have finals next week and I'm gonna be studying from here on out! Summer is so close I can't wait! Yay! Also... Kage is up there! Yay! He was my favorite to draw by far even though I love all the characters. He awesome! Yay! Anyways.. Enjoy!

Chapter Twenty-Six: Who Am I? Who Are You?

"A person that truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is."


"Melody.... Melody Reed," I thought as I lay in my bed at night. "How can I be Melody when I'm Melony? That boy... Kage.... Who is he? Kage Reed... My brother? Impossible."

It was around one in the morning and I couldn't go to sleep. My thoughts tormented me. I sat and read the file one Melody Reed but... she is me. My father came in to talk to me and I didn't mention Melody. If I truly am Melody Reed and my father didn't tell me... There has to be a reason for it. There's only three ways to find out: talk to my father, talk to Kage, or find out the answers myself.

I sit up and open up the second file: 'Project Purifier.' My eyes widen as I see the picture in front of me. I nearly throw up. Blood on the floor, bones on the ground. I read and it says, 'Wadd' above the picture.

"Was this a... a person?" I whisper in shock. "My father... He killed a man."

I continue to go through the file. Pictures of different vials pop up with different uses. One gas eats away at an man's skin. One cleans up blood. One eats bone. One gets rid of the smell. All of them are designed to cover up killing a person. The file wasn't complete either. There was room for more.

"I have to get out of here," I thought. "I have to find Kage. How do I find him? Who is he?"

I get out from the bed and put on my shoes and jacket. I leave the room to step out into a long, dark hallway. I run to the elevator step inside. I press the lobby button and once the doors shut I take a breath. I lean against the button and I feel my back press something. I turn around to the a button that wasn't there before pop up.

"I must have pushed it when I leaned back," I mumble. "Why is there a secret button?"

My curiosity takes over. I wait until the elevator stops at the lobby. I contemplate stepping out but I wait for it to close and take me to wherever it lead.

The elevator stops and I step out into a long, white hallway. I walk down to the end where there is a metal door. I turn the cold nob and walk into a larger room. There are bottles of different formulas and colors. There are microscopes and computers and a small bookshelf at the back of the room.

I walk around and make my way to the bookshelf. I take out several files from the shelf and begin flipping through them. All of them explain the vials and all the vials of colors are weapons.

"They can all... destroy human life...." I mutter.

I walk over to a computer and open it up. Luckily, there was no password. Maybe they don't have high security because of the fact that this place is secret. I type in the name Kage Reed and an image of a boy pops up. Black hair and grey, bored eyes. I relaxed a little when I saw him. He seemed... familiar and secure to me.

I kept looking through pictures until I found a description:

Kage Reed:
Age 16
Location: Classified
Relation: brother of Melody Reed and son of corporation leader; Mr. Reed
Status: alive

I flip through some more and find more people.

"Who are these people?" I thought. "Michelangelo, Michael, Abigail, Joseph, Ashley, Adam, Tyler, Eric, Isabella.. Kage? They are all in relation to Melody."

I flip through the last file and my eyes widen.

"Danny...." I mutter.

I know him. I know him. I remember you... Danny. Daniel Gazer. I know you. I promised I wouldn't let you go. I promised....

I gasped.

Status: Deceased

"What..." I mutter. "No.. No... NO! No, you can't be gone. I.. I saw you. I saw you the other day. In my dream I saw you. You can't be gone, Danny. I promised I wouldn't let you go!"

"Well isn't this just depressing," a familiar voice says.

I turn around to see my father, anger welling up inside me.

"What did you do?!" I yell. "What is all this for?! What did you do to Danny?!"

"That brilliant mind of yours, Melody," he mutters, shaking his head.

"Melody? So I am... Melody."

"It's so disappointing that you weren't just a good girl like you were back before the fire," my father mumbles.
"The fire..." I say, trying to remember. "You... You tried to kill me... back then..."

"I would never try to kill you," Reed says, walking up to me.

I backed up.

"I tried to kill your brother," he says, an evil grin appearing on his face. "You see, I was going to burn the house down and rescue you and your mother. The news would have it as, "Father heroically saves his wife and daughter but could not save his beloved son." It would be a tragedy but I only wanted you, Melody. Not that cold Kage."

"But... He's your son! How could you?! You tried to kill your own son!" I scream.

"Tried and failed. I ended up hurting your precious little face. I'm so sorry, dear."

"Sorry?! Sorry?! That's what you have to say?! You tried to kill your son! My brother! Kage! Why?!"

"Because he threatened me," Reed stated, calmly shrugging his shoulders. "He never cared for me much because I never tried being a father to him. He threatened me. Plain and simple. I won't discuss the matter any further, Melody."

"Then why did you..." I choke up and I feel tears fall down my face. "Why does it say that Danny is dead?"

"Don't you remember that day?" Reed jokes. "Remember when you and Kage were walking down the street when my men attacked you two? When we gave Kage a shot that made him angry at Danny? How he went to Danny's house and how he beat him up? How he killed him?"

"No..." I mutter. "No, your lying! You always lie!"

"I don't believe him. I don't," I thought, desperately.

"It's true, Melody," he laughs. "Your Danny is dead."

I don't believe him... My legs gave out under me and I sat on the floor in disbelief. I felt Reed pick me up. I don't know where we went. My vision was blurry. I was sat down in a white room, a door slamming and locking. I sat there.

"I promised... I wouldn't let you go.... I... failed..." I mutter. "Failed... Failed... Failed... You are gone... Danny."


"You ready, Danny?" Kage asks as we drive to R.E.D.

"Never been more ready in my life," I say.

"Good. But you know we might have to kill Reed," Kage states.

My expression hardens.

"If we do, I want a crack at him first," I mutter. "If he did anything to Melody... We'll take him out together."

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