Chapter Five: Fire

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So.... Finals are coming up for my school and I probably won't update until after so.... sorry 'bout that but I hope you all like this chapter!

Chapter Five: Fire
"Sometimes you have to give up on people. Not because you don't care, but because they don't."
"What was that?" I ask after Kage and I stopped to turn to the sound of the explosion.
I saw smoke rising from the other side of a tall building to our left.
"Let's go!" Kage says as he breaks out into a run.
"Wait up!" I yell.
"He's fast even though he just got out of the hospital," I thought.
I followed Kage round the corner and stopped next to him. There was a small shop on fire. It was a two story shop with lots of rooms. Izzy, the guys and I would always go there to look for presents for people.
People were running out of the shop and I could hear sirens in the distance. Kage ran up to a woman running out of the shop.
"Is there anyone else in there?" He asked.
"I... Don't... Know..." She panted and I walked up.
"Help!" A lady called to our right. She had short brown hair and dark brown eyes.
"What's is it?" Kage asked, running over to her.
"My... My daughter!" She cried. "She's still in there!"
Kage's eyes widened and he bolted towards the fiery building.
"Kage!" I call but Kage entered the building.
A fire truck pulled up behind me and several men, women and robots came out. One of the men came over to me.
"Is there anyone in there?" He asks.
"My friend ran in because a young girl is trapped," I answered.
"Alright," he replies and runs back to the fire truck.
"Kage!" Danny yelled after me but I refused to listen.
"I won't let it happen again!" I yelled in my head.
I ran through the building, using my shirt to protect my mouth and nose.
"Hello!" I yelled through the fire.
"Help!" A cry came through the cracks of the building.
It came from up on the second floor. I ran up the stairs and they crumbled behind me.
"Hello!" I called again.
"Help me!" A voice cried and started coughing.
"I'm... coming!" I call in between coughs.
I followed from where I heard the voice the the middle of the store.
"Help!" The voice said and I saw a girl with black hair and blue eyes looking at me.
She was covered in suet. Her leg was trapped underneath a fallen shelf.
"Melody..." I thought to myself. "I won't let it happen again."
I ran over to her and lifted the shelf. She crawled out but it was clear that her leg was crushed.
"P-Please help," she cried as I picked her up.
"I'm going to get you out of here," I comforted.
I ran down to where I had come up but the stairs had crumbled. The fire was growing and I was beginning to cough. I looked down at the first floor and found a stroke of luck. There were a pile of clothes that weren't on fire yet that I could jump to.
I back up and rapped the girl in my jacket.
"I'm sorry if this hurts," I say and she nods.
I bolt to where the stairs were and leap. I land in the pile of clothes and run out of them and towards the exit, the doors are blocked so I crash through the glass and into the fresh air.
"Kage...." I muttered. "Hurry up..."
The building was starting to crumble. The woman whose daughter is trapped was being comforted by a fire woman. I was pacing. Suddenly there was crash and Kage comes running out of the building, covered in suet and carrying a girl.
The firemen immediately run to him and the girl. One takes a girl and the other helps Kage to a bench with a oxygen mask. I run over to Kage.
"Kage!" I say as I run up to him. "You could have been killed!"
He looks up at me, a stoic expression now plastered to his face. He shrugs and goes back to breathing through the mask. I sigh.
"He goes from being a hero to back to being quiet and stoic," I think and shake my head.
He looks past me and I turn to see who he is looking at. He's looking at the girl and the mother. The mother and daughter are getting into an ambulance. The mother looks over to us and waves. Kage and I wave back and she gets into the ambulance.
After a talk with the police and apparently a news crew, Kage was allowed to leave since he had stopped coughing.
"He heals quickly," I thought as we walked back to my house. "Unnaturally fast."
We arrive back at my house since it was dinner time.
"We can go back to the building where you found us tomorrow," Kage says, stoicly as we enter the house. "I still need to go back there."
"Right..." I reply.
"Danny is probably becoming even more suspicious of me now," I thought as I went to grab some new clothes and take a shower. "But I will never let that happen again, Melody..... I won't let you get trapped again."
I stood outside my house next to my mother. She was screaming and crying while the policemen tried to put out the fire to our house.
"My daughter!" My mother cried. "My daughter is still in there!"
I could hear painful screams coming from the house. My sister's screams. Melody's screams.
"Melody!" I yelled. "Come out of the house!"
"Kage..." My mother said, turning and kneeling to me. "Melody can't get out. She's trapped in the fire."
"What about dad?" I asked and my mother's expression turned grim.
"Your father left," she said. "He's done with this family."
My eyes widened. I tried to sprint towards the house but my mother stopped me.
"Kage!" She cried as she pulled me into a hug. "Let the firemen take care of this."
"But Melody...." I tried but my mother shook her head.
Pain filled my heart to see how easily she was giving up on her daughter.
"You're giving up on her?" I ask, anger swelling up in my voice.
"No, honey," she tried to comfort. "But we can't save her."
I look back at the house. My eyes widen when I see someone walking out.
"Mother," I point at the person. "Melody is on fire."
Everyone looks as Melody walks out of the house and falls. Firemen immediately run to her as well as my mother and paramedics. My face becomes grim and stoic.
"They all gave up on her..." I muttered to myself. "I won't let that happen again."
My eyes become dull.
"I can take care of myself. No one will care if I get hurt. If mother would give up on Melody so easily I will give up on everyone else."
I walk over to the ambulance that Melody is being put into. I don't look over at her but she is moaning.
"I'll only protect myself... and Melody...." I mutter and I turn to look at Melody.
"End of Flashback"
I sigh.
"I guess something's I told myself can't stay the same," I said, aloud but my expression was plain. "But it's easy to stick to those words."

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