Chapter One: 22nd Century

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So... This is my first story and I do write a lot of stories but I've never shown anyone so... yeah.... It might be weird... I have a weird imagination.☺️ Hope you enjoy! Hee... Hee.... Hee 😅
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind."
-Lee Iacocca
2114. One hundred years ago a group of teens built helper robots. Then the teens went missing. Eventually the robots revolted, after they developed self-awareness, and a war unleashes between humanity and the robots. The war ended in the year 2034, twenty years after the invention of the robots. Not all the robots were defeated and they spread throughout the world and there was peace for a few years. They started working with humans again but still, some humans didn't like the robots.
The world split and a great war started. Those who wanted to destroy the robots and those who didn't. The war lasted three years and ended on March 3, 2039. The robots and humans had won but the world's population had declined by one-third.
Since then technology has advanced including robots being able to have fake skin to look like humans to prevent another war. Still, even with the peace there are those that do not like this new world of robots and humans.
The world has now become technology centered. Even more so than back in 2014. The world is filled with technology from your clothes to even your food.
(hard to explain: got the idea about what the tech is from Phsyco Pass)
Now the year is 2114. Even with the unsolved case of disappearance of the teens that first created the robots the world never forgot who they were. They were destroyers. They had created the robots and even the robots thought of them as destroyers. They had caused great deaths. But some people don't agree. Some say they are innocent. But only the teens can say they are innocent. And they're gone.
"Daniel!" My mom calls from downstairs. "You're friends are waiting! It's Friday and there's no school!"
"Coming!" I say as I finish brushing my hair.
Im Daniel Gazer or Danny for short. I'm fourteen. I'm wearing a blue shirt with a thin, black jacket underneath it. I have on black jeans and shoes. I have green eyes and messy, black hair.
I run downstairs and grab my wallet with some money and head out of my house.
I live right outside of Auto City, Washington. My house is two stories and brown on the outside. Luckily it's big because my mom has a good job as a Robotics Doctor.
"Hey, Danny!" Isabella says as I exit my house.
"Hey, Izzy." I said.
Izzy is fourteen and has red hair and yellow eyes and freckles. She's wearing a red shirt with a black jacket and black jeans with red shoes.
"Ready to go?" My friend Eric asks.
"Yup." I say.
Eric is Izzy's older brother. He's a year older with a darker reddish hair color and a dirtier yellow eye color but it suits him. He's a head taller than Izzy and I'm about half a head shorter. He has on a green shirt with black jeans and green shoes with a black baseball cap on.
"Let's get going then!" Ty says.
"Alright Ty." Izzy says as we start walking.
Tyler is fourteen and has brown hair and a mix of green and brown eye color. He has on a black shirt with tan jeans and black shoes.
We are heading to a robotics tournament. Not the robots that we coexist with but smaller robots. The ones we live with sometimes participate too. Everyone makes their own mini robot and battle people to see who wins at the very end. It's a lot of fun. I've one once but I mainly go to watch.
On our way there we have to go through the outskirts of town. It's not exactly a good place to be so we normally go as a group. There are a lot of homeless and gangs and abandoned buildings. Normally no one bothers us. Even if they do Izzy normally carries pepper spray or a miniature tazer in her pocket.
As we go down the outskirts I tend to look at the buildings. Their not much of a sight but at times they can be interesting. Most of these buildings were abandoned a long time ago. Back in the 2014s-2060s.
As we go a building catches my eye. I don't remember ever seeing it before. You could only see the broken wooden door and smashed window in between two older buildings but you could still see it. It was an old red and brown brick building with trash lined around the door from what I could see.
Something about it was off though. I don't know why but it felt... compelling. I wanted to walk straight into it.
"Hey, Danny." Ty says waving his hand in my face.
"Huh?" I say turning to him.
"You were spacing out dude." He says. "Come on."
"Right, right." I say as I start walking again.
"What was that about man?" Ty asked. "You all of a sudden just stopped walking and started at an old building."
"Nothing." I said. "Just something off about that building."
"Well, forget it for now." Eric said. "We're gonna be late for the match."
I continued a little on but then stopped.
"Danny?" Izzy asked as she turned to me and the others did the same.
"I..." I paused. "I have to know. Something's just.... not right."
I turned around and started going back to the building.
"Danny," Eric said, following suit. "It's just a building. People pass by it everyday. It's nothing different in this area."
"Then how come I've never seen it?" I ask not looking back at him.
I rounded the corner where I saw the building and headed for it.
"Help." I heard a voice call out.
I stopped walking and looked around me. Nothing but run down buildings and my friends rounding the corner.
"Did you hear that?" I asked them as I turned.
"No." Ty said.
"Hear what?" Izzy asked.
"Are you feeling alright?" Eric asked.
"Fine." I said. "I'm fine."
I turned back to the building and enter it. It's big and filled with tables and trash, chairs and old drawers.
"It looks like a work place." Eric says as he and the others enter.
"Like where they draw blueprints and stuff?" Ty asked. "From back in the 2014-2050s?"
"Yeah." Eric says as I open an old wooden drawer. There was paper in it.
"Paper?" I say aloud.
"You mean paper kind of paper?" Izzy asks. "The unused kind?"
"Yeah." I say, picking up the stack.
Everyone uses electronics now. Paper isn't used, neither are hard copy books. They can still be made but no one sells paper anymore. It's too much of a waste. Some people still get paper newspapers but normally homes have the tv announce the news.
"This just proves how wasteful the 21st century was." Eric said in disgust. "They used to much paper. Now, in the 22nd century we don't waste paper when we do use it."
I continued walking down the old factory until I saw a ladder going down near the back of the dirty building.
"Hey, guys," I said. "I found something."
I stared down the ladder.
"Awaken. Please awaken." The same voice said that had spoken earlier.
"What was that?" Izzy asked as she hid behind her brother.
"So now you heard it?" I ask.
The three nod.
"It came from down the ladder." Ty said with interest.
"Well, then," I said as I started going down the ladder. "Let's go."
"Danny!" Eric said as I went down. "It's not safe. Who knows what went down in here during the 21st century."
Eric doesn't like the past. With the wars and destruction. He think the people that made the robots were evil. I don't what I think of them. They disappeared.
When I got down to the bottom I waited for the others. It was pitch black.
"Anyone have a watch?" I ask.
"I do." Ty said, tapping his watch.
Our watches are implanted with a phone and flashlight. Ty turned his light on.
We stared at what was in front of us. Just a door.
"What do think is behind it?" Izzy asked, worriedly.
"Something." I said as I walked to the door.
Ty followed closely behind me with the light.
"Help." The voice said again.
It sounded like a robot.
"A robot?" I ask as I stop before opening the door.
"But the robots don't sound like.... well, robots." Eric said. "They adapted to sound like humans."
"That why I'm asking." I said as I looked at the door.
It had a doorknob. Our doors mainly open automatically now. I grabbed the doorknob and turned it open.
Ty shinned the light. A pair of robotic eyes stared at us. We froze.
"Humans." It said.
I slowly crept forward.
"There is a light switch to your left." It said.
I looked and found the old version of a light switch. Our light switches are also voice activated or automatic. I turned on the lights and froze.
The robot was standing in the back of the room. Five other robots were next to it. All standing but turned off.
"Pl-please h-h-hel-help." It said glitching before shutting down.
I stared in front of me. I saw coffins. Eleven of them. They looked like coffins but more high tech versions.
"Coffins?" Izzy asked, her voice shaking.
"Stasis pods." Ty corrected. "Old versions but still not far off for what our astronauts use today."
I crept forward to the closes stasis pod to me. It was black at the bottom and the lid was white with a small frozen window. I wiped my hand on the screen and took a step back. There was a face. A girl around my age with white hair.
"There's a girl in it." I said.
"What?" Eric asked.
"Open it." I said as I pushed a button on the side which I assumed would open it.
There was a click and the sound of air letting out as the top popped up.
"Ty," I said. "Help me push it off."
Ty came forward and we both pushed the top off. The girl was laying in water and wearing a divers suit. She had a burn scar on her cheek that went down and disappeared underneath her suit.
I lifted her head up.
"Hey," I said urgently. "Wake up."
The girl started coughing up water.
"It's from the stasis." Ty said. "She's alright."
I sighed.
"Hey," I said. "Are you alright."
The girl stopped coughing and opened her eyes wearily. She had deep blue eyes. She looked at me and her eyes widened. She tried to raise her pale hand towards me but she was weak.
"What," she said breathily. "What year is it?"
"2114." I said.
"Oh gosh." She said as tears started to come down her face.
I pulled her in closely. She was so cold. She started crying.
"One hundred." She said as she sobbed. "One hundred years."

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