Chapter Twenty-Four: I Don't Want To Go

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Yellow my friends! I... almost has no idea what to write but my friends gave me a book on writers block. Thanks friend. Enjoy the chapter everyone!

Chapter Twenty-Four: I Don't Want To Go

"There are many people in our lives. Some are mean. Some are kind. The ones that help you up when you fall are great but the ones that help you up, brush you off and push you forward are the ones that you should keep."


"Where am I?" I though, groggy. "What... What happened?"

I'm in a dark end of a hallway. There is a light at the end of the hallway. I wearily stand and and lean on the wall and begin to make my way to the other end of the hallway. I feel so dizzy. My vision is blurred but I can hear... laughter outside.

At the end of the hallway there is a white door. I turn the cold, metal nob and a nice, cool breeze hits my face. I walk outside into a large park. I look around and try to find the source of the laughter I keep hearing. It sounds like a young girl.

There are figures of people but I can't see them. My vision is clearing but I can't see the people's faces. I walk straight until I see a small bench. I decide to sit down and let my head stop spinning.

As I'm sitting a boy sits next to me. Green eyes and black hair. He face is calm and he looks at me.

"Hi, Melody," he says but I can't make out his face.

"Do I know you?" I ask.

"Melody!" the boy says in shock. "How could you not remember?! Well.... your dad didn't want you to remember me."

The boy looks down, a sad expression on his face. I blink several times.

"Your name... it starts with a D, correct?" I ask and the boy looks up with a happy smile.

"Yup. Think hard. You can remember who I am. After all, you care... right?"

I stare at the boy. I know him. I know I do.

"What year is it?" I ask.

"Why would I ask that? It's 2014, obviously."

"2114," the boy answers.

"What?!" I yell. "Not possible."

"But you came here yourself. Remember me yet?"

I stare at the boy. He must be insane. It's obviously 2014. I study him. I know him... where? His name starts with a D..... Dan... Danny? Who's Danny?

"Danny?" I ask and he nods.

"That's me," he says and looks down, sadly. "The movie is about to start."

"Movie?" I say and look at the park.

A young girl comes out. She has long white hair and bright blue eyes. A boy is chasing after her. He also has a bright smile but he has raven hair and grey eyes. They both look like elementary schoolers. A man and woman come out. I can't see their faces but the woman wears a pure white dress and white shoes. The man has on a black suit with a blood red tie.

The girl and the boy stop running and walk over to the adults. They all embrace in a hug but suddenly the girl starts screaming. The park changes. Danny and myself are now sitting in a burning house. The girl is the one there. She's screaming in pain as her cheek catches on fire. Then her right leg. The fire moves up her body until the fire from her cheek and leg connect.

The girl stumbles to the door. She opens it and now I'm sitting outside. The small house is in a blaze of fire and the girl falls to the ground. Firemen and medics rush out to the girl.

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