Chapter Ten: R.E.D

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Yellow! I'm a back! Sorry this has been a while since I was on a trip but I wrote this for ya guys while I was gone! I also didn't really proofread that much... I wanted to post this asap.... Also the picture is kind of what the company R.E.D building looks like. Use that image and I'll add stuff to the building. Just use your imagination! Hope you enjoy!

Chapter Ten: R.E.D
"His leaving wasn't about you. It was about him."
-Iyanla Vanzant
"Find them!" Reed yelled, smashing a hologram projector. "Find those kids!"
An image burned in his brain. A boy, dressed in black and a girl in blue. The boy had Raven hair and dull grey eyes while the girl had deep blue eyes and white hair. She had a burn mark on her face.
"I want them found!"
Earlier That Day
The main building for R.E.D Enterprises stood proudly at the center of Auto City. The streets and buildings were crowded with people. At the top floor of the R.E.D tower stood R.E.Ds inventor, Tristan Reed, who supposedly can outlive any man. No one sees him often, only those close to him see him. He is constantly shrouded in mystery and darkness to most of the outside world.
Reed had black hair with two white streaks on either side of his hair. He has on a black suit and a blood-red tie with black shoes. His hands both are covered by white gloves.
A man approaches behind him. The man is young and has brown hair and eyes. He has on a black suit and white tie. He is holding a silver briefcase.
"Mr. Reed?" The man asked.
"What is it, Watts?" Reed asks, not moving from his gaze of the ever expanding city.
"The vials are here," Watts answers. "For testing..."
"The prototypes?" Reed asked.
"Yes, sir," Watts answered.
"Good. Go and get Markman and Bloom," Reed ordered.
"Yes, sir," Watts answered, obediently.
Watts came back shortly after. He was followed by a man with white hair and brown eyes, with a dull expression on his face. A lady also followed. She had black hair and bright blue eyes. She was more hyper than the men and she came in with a smile in her face. They both looked around their late teens. Nineteen to twenty maybe. The boy was older than the girl.
The white haired man had on a black suit, white gloves and a white tie. The girl had on a pink shirt with a pink skirt and shoes.
"Markman, Bloom, glad you two could make it," Reed said.
"Anything for you, sir!" The lady said, happily. "Kathy Bloom and Kyle Markman are at your service!"
"I agree with Kathy," the man said.
"Thank you, Markman," Reed answered.
"George," Kathy said, turning to Watts. "Can we see those vials of it?"
"S-sure," Watts, stuttered, handing the case to Bloom. "What are we going to do with them?"
"See if they'll work," Reed answered turning around to the three.
Marksman crossed his arms, his face still placid.
"How?" He asked.
"We need to pick out a location," Reed said. "Then we need to use some force."
"I can do that!" Bloom said, happily. "Does this mean I finally get to use the suit?"
Reed nodded.
"Marksman," Reed ordered. "You and Bloom get suited and ready to go. We need to make our first strike."
"Yes, sir," the two responded and left.
"Um... Sir?" Watts asked, nervously. "Exactly, where are we releasing the vials?"
"The Auto City mall," Reed answered.
"But... Sir! There are hundreds of people in there!" Watts answered.
"Then we'll aim for a store. Marksman can pick it. There is a reason why you aren't allowed the same abilities as the others. Do you know why?"
"I-I tend to be more for the people?" Watts asked.
"Correct and in order for my dreams to be fulfilled you need to forget about the people," Reed answered, angrily. "Understood?"
"Y-Yes.... sir," Watts answered.
The three workers met out on the roof while Reed stayed inside. Watts was waiting with the vials.
Bloom came out first. She was wearing a pink, long sleeved shirt with green armor. She had on green gloves on that had metal plates on the fingers and palms. She also had on pink pants that had green armor on it and green shoes. She also had on a pink headband.
Markman came out next. He had on a black camouflage suit with a pure white sniper rifle. He had white bullets across his chest and white grenades and more bullets on his waist. Lastly he had a white pistol strapped to his right ankle.
"Off we go, Watts!" Bloom said with a smile.
"What exactly do your suits do?" Watts asked, nervously.
"Does my outfit look like a suit?" Markman asked. "I have ammunition and guns. That's all."
"I can make things grow!" Bloom said, happily. "You see my right glove releases seeds that I put into a dispenser under my sleeve and my left has a chemical that allows them to grow humongous and extremely quickly, too. The best part is that the gas allows me to control the plants using my mind with this pink headband. It's awesome!"
"You have a suit as well, Watts," Markman pointed out.
"I know. I... Mr. Reed doesn't think I'm ready yet," Watts answered.
"I agree," Markman said as he boarded the helicopter.
"Thomas Wadd is our coordinator," Bloom said. "Reed wants you with him."
"Right," Watts replied as he left and Bloom boarded the helicopter.
Watts went down to the control room for the mission. He met Thomas Wadds, a middle aged man with brown hair and eyes, wearing a black suit and red tie.
"Sent from Reed I see," Wadd said, almost angrily. "I can handle this mission."
"I was ordered here by Mr. Reed," Watts stated. "If you have a problem with it you can ask our boss."
Wadd nodded and went back to a big screen inside of the dark room. The room was lined with computers, each with a man wearing a red shirt and black pants.
"A Team you are clear for take off," a man said to the right of Watts.
The helicopter on the roof started taking off.
"Once I successfully complete this mission Reed will move me up without a doubt," Wadd said.
Watts thought back to his conversation with Reed on his way to the control room...
"Yes sir?" Watts asked through an earpiece.
"Keep an eye on Wadd," Reed ordered. "You can keep an order. He can't. Any order I give you you will carry it out. You have authority over Wadd."
"Yes sir," Watts answered.
"Anything he does to defy me you tell me and I will take care of it... personally," Reed instructed.
"Yes sir," Watts said, hanging up the call.
"A Team approaching target, Wadd," Bloom said through the com link. "Why do we even have to use these? We can use our technology, not the twenty-first's."
"Reed's orders," Wadd replied. "Apparently the modern police check for frequencies that our technology uses. This is an old version of our coms and the most effective."
"Rodger," Bloom said.
Watts watched, nervously, as the helicopter landed on the roof of the main building to the mall.
"Scout out the area," Watts ordered. "Reed wants to know how many and who."
"This might get more people out," Watts thought. "Plus it's a good move to make... strategically."
"You don't give the orders," Wadd argued.
"Reed put me in charge," Watts said. "Deal with it."
Wadd grunted angrily but turned back to the screen.
"Rodger," Markman answered as he and Bloom exited the helicopter.
Both the young adults suits had cameras installed. Everyone could see everything.
"Markman," Wadd ordered. "Pick a target. The vial is in your gun correct?"
"Yup," Markman answered.
"Bloom, find an air vent. Gas everyone," Wadd ordered.
"We must keep this contained, Wadd," Watts reminded.
"Let me do my job," Wadd answered.
Markman and Bloom did as ordered.
"Wait for the my signal," Wadd ordered.
"I got a kid in my sights," Markman answered. "Ready anytime."
The girl has long white hair and bright blue eyes. She was with a group of kids. There were two boys next to her. One with Raven hair and grey, dull eyes and the other boy had green eyes and messy black hair.
"Halt the mission!" Reed shouted through Watts com. "Stop the mission!"
"Stop the mission!" Watts shouted. "Reed wants the mission stopped!"
"Yeah right," Wadd said.
"Stop the mission!" Watts said. "That's an order."
"Don't tell me what to do," Wadd said. "Go ahead Markman. Take the shot."
"No way," Markman answered through the com.
"What?" Wadd asked, angrily.
"If it really is an order from Reed then I'm not going to defy that," Markman said. "I'd rather take my chances with that. You don't want to mess with Reed."
"Agreed!" Bloom added. "Never want to get on the boss man's bad side!"
Reed stood watching the cameras of Markman, Bloom and of Watts in the control room. He watched as Markman took aim at a young girl. A girl with white hair and a boy with Raven hair. They both were extremely skinny for their ages.
"No..." Reed said allowed. "It can't be..."
Reed pushed the com on his ear.
"Halt the mission!" He shouted, leaning on, his desk. "Stop the mission."
He watched the argument between Wadd and Watts and the agreement with Markman and Bloom.
He gathered the three back after they had returned.
"Sir," Markman asked. "Was that really your order?"
"Yes," Reed answered as he turned to face them from the window.
"Why?" Bloom asked.
"I'll explain later," Reed said. "Right now I want to show you all something. Bring the vials."
The three followed their boss as they went down to the end of the hall to the elevator. The took the elevator down to the second basement level, one that allows only Reed and them to access.
They went down the white, hospital like halls, passing several rooms. They made it to the very last room in the main hallways. When they entered the three looked almost shocked. Behind glass was Wadd, standing in an all white room with vents on every side of the room.
"What's going on?" Watts asked.
"This is what happens whenever someone defies my orders," Reed answered.
A smirk grew on Markman's face and Bloom looked interested.
"Do you have the vials?" Reed asked Bloom.
"Yes sir!" Bloom answered taking out four vials.
Two were blue and the others were green. Reed took them and inserted one green vials into a a tube on a table to the right. The green liquid went down and a small light flashed green for ready.
"What vial is this?" Markman asked.
"Man Eater," Reed answered as he pressed a red button.
The green liquid turned into gas as it entered the chamber where Wadd was. The second the gas touched Wadd he began screaming. The gas was eating away at his skin. Slowly, painfully, menacingly it ate away at his skin.
Bloom and Watts both looked sick while Reed was placid and Markman had a sick smile on his face.
"These vials eat away at a human skin and muscle," Reed explained as he did the same this with a blue vial that he did with the green.
Blue gas started drifting out of the vents. Wadd's screaming stopped and turned into gurgling. Blood started coming from his mouth.
"This gas destroys a man's insides almost like the gas from WWI but much deadlier and quicker," Reed explained.
Wadd stopped gurgling and was still on the ground. He was covered in blood and Watts nearly threw up. The scene was distorted and grotesque. Everything was wrong about it but Watts wouldn't dare go against Reed.
"There is still one more gas in progress," Reed said as he turned to leave and everyone followed. "It won't leave a mess. It cleans up the dead body, turning it into dust."
Reed sat in his chair at the top of R.E.D. He was looking at two hologram pictures Markman, Bloom and Watts standing and watching.
One was of a girl with white hair and blue eyes and a boy with raven hair and grey eyes. They both looked like toddlers, the boy looking a little older. The girl was running away from the boy, smiling.
The second picture was of the same boy and girl but older. Taken from Markman's video. The girl was walking next to the boy surrounded by a group of teens. The girl was smiling and laughing while the boy remained mostly stoic.
"I left them... How are they awake now! I left.... it was their fault..... I want them to pay!" Reed yelled in his head.
Reed's face was at first calm, almost caring. Then it slowly grew to anger as he punched the hologram projector.
"Find them!" Reed yelled. "Find those kids! I want them found!"

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