Chapter Twenty-Three: Abduction

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Yellow!!! How's everyone doing? Well.... I'm sick... Ugh... I'm surprised I managed to write this and get it posted today. Hopefully you guys enjoy! I'm still having slight writers block but.... I'm getting there! Ahhhh... I'm tired.... It sucks being sick. But... Anyways....Enjoy!

Chapter Twenty-Three: Abduction

"On the road to success, there is a curve called failure, a loop called confusion, speed bumps called friends, and red lights called enemies."


I sat on my couch, silence echoing around me. My lip dripped blood, my body in shock. Suddenly, I hear a bang on the door. I don't answer. I still just sit.

"Danny!" Izzy cries. "Danny!"

I still didn't answer.

"Danny!" Ty's voice called. "Open the door!"

I didn't move.

"Danny!" Mike and Mickey called. "We're gonna bust down your door!"

I still didn't move. I couldn't. As much as I wanted to I couldn't. Tears streamed down my face. My body was numb. I was so cold. What happened? How did I get this way? Where was Melody? Where was Kage?

I heard my front door click. Ty, Izzy, Joe, Abi, Mike, Mickey, Adam, Ashley, even Eric came in. They all gasped when they saw me. My vision was blurry. I couldn't move or feel anything. What happened?

Izzy looked like she was about to cry.

"Is.. Is he.. Is Danny..." She stuttered as Abi put her arm around her.

Joe came over to me and out to fingers to my neck.

"Guys?" I thought. "I'm fine. I can't move but I'm fine. What are you doing here? Why are you crying Izzy?"

"He has a pulse," Joe said. "Danny! Danny, can you hear me! What happened?! Where is Melody and Kage?"

I managed to let out a breath of air.

"Ca-n't," I breathed, heavily.

Joe's eyes widened.

"He's been given something to paralyze his body," Joe says as he lifts me up. "I need to get him back to base."

"To base?" Ashley asks as everyone heads out the door. "Joey, the robots are still trying to fix themselves, let alone help you with Danny. They aren't programmed to help him."

"Melody programmed Glitch to help Danny, Izzy, Ty and Eric if anything happened to her. The only way we'll know what happened to Melody and Kage is if we get Danny talking again," a Joe explained.

I couldn't remember much after that. A car, driving, talking, worrying, movement, clanking noises. I was laid somewhere cold. A table? The floor? I heard metal footsteps and the shuffles of human feet. Then everything goes dark.

I wake to find I'm on a table. My head is propped up by a pillow but I don't move. There is a white blanket on my and something feels like it's wrapped around my head. I moan.

"Danny!" Adam says, happily. "You're finally awake. You've been out since yesterday when we found you. Ashley, Joe and I are the only ones here right now. The others are out for lunch to take their minds off things."

I haven't spent much time with Adam or Ashley. They're always working. Ashley and Adam are friends with Joe.... Ashley is Joe's girlfriend I think.

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