Never Let You Go (Chaeryeong)

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(A/N): Hey this will be the first one shot for this one shot book! 

Also, I would be talking about something very important down below, so make sure to read and take it seriously, Blossoms.


Trigger Warning: Attempted Suicide, Blood

Angst to Fluff



Y/N pov

*ring* *ring*

I have called Chaeryeong for the 4th time today, and she's still not answering. I'm slowly losing the will to live as the moment passes by. It has been months since we broke up from that one incident.

She hates me now and I don't even blame her. But it was a misunderstanding, I swear... I didn't kiss her back, pushed her away even. But she didn't believe that... Everyone didn't believe that.

I sighed and just gave up. She will never answer my calls after what just happened.

My friends were so disappointed at me that they just ended our friendships on the spot. Even my sister, Yuna, slapped me when I got home that same day, telling me that she doesn't want someone like me to be considered as her brother. I lost everyone's trust, but I don't blame them. After all, it's my fault for not reacting right away..... Right...?

I wiped the tears from my eyes and opened the messaging app as I decided to text her one last message before I go, and I can finally leave everyone alone in peace.

*little timeskip*

"That should be good... right? Fuck it..." I pressed the send button and closed my phone, as I dropped it on the floor, not bothering to place it on my bed or my table. I'm slowly dying inside as negative thoughts just flood my mind as I walk towards the bathroom.

I went inside and locked the door behind me. I opened the mirror cabinet and searched for the razor blades that I hid behind one of the medicine bottles and opened one packet.

"DON'T SHOW YOURSELF TO ME EVER AGAIN, YOU FUCKING CHEATER! DO YOU HEAR ME?! I FUCKING HATE YOU!" Chaeryeong's words repeated in my head over and over again as tears started to fall from my eyes once again.

"I didn't kiss her back, Ryeongie... I swear I didn't..." I mumbled to myself as I started sobbing loudly in the bathroom. Luckily, no one was home right now and I know that they will come back in 4 hours or longer.

I stopped crying and wiped the tears from my now swelling eyes as I sat down on the floor and leaned at the side of the bathtub.

"But... If that's what's gonna make you happy... I'll gladly do it for you, my love." As I started to cut my wrist once. It was so deep and a lot of blood was oozing out.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, Ryeongie." I cut my wrists deeply three more times.

"I'm sorry for disappointing you, my friends... my brothers..." I cut 8 more times.

"And I'm sorry, Yuna. For not being the brother that you always wanted." I cut myself one more time as I felt myself passing out from blood loss. I just sat there, waiting for my life to be taken away by death itself.

I feel sleepy... Is this how dying feels? Would everyone miss me when I'm gone... or would everyone just quickly move on and be happy again.

I hope for the latter... I want everyone to be happy without dealing with someone as shitty as me... I can feel myself on the edge of dying as I start to blink slowly.

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