Love Yourself (Yeji)

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(A/N): Hey there, Blossoms! How are you doing today? Are you doing good? I sure hope so!

This one shot is requested by one of my sibling figures, 2kimchaeju! Love you mate! xD <3

A little fun fact: I teared up while typing this one shot 'cuz the feels were too much for me, I couldn't handle it! The plot given to me was so good, I had to apply 101% of my effort in it.

So go on and grab your snacks and your drinks and wrap yourself with a blanket to keep you warm while you read this story.

Anyways, Yeji one shot. Let's goooo!





(Y/N) pov

"Yeji-ah... why..."

Me and Yeji were once a happy couple. We met when we were freshmen in high school and I was a transferee. She was friendly and offered to show me around the campus. At that moment, something inside of me spraked and lit a fire in my heart. I wondered if that was what they called "love at first sight".

A year has passed and I decided to confess my feelings for her, and fortunately, she accepted me with open arms, saying that she felt the same way too. I will never forget about that moment because it was one of the most memorable and happiest days of my life.

We promised that we would make each other happy for the rest of our lives.

But as time went on,fights, arguments, and disagreements became more and more frequent, and it came to a point where we can't go on our day without fighting about something. I knew that it was becoming toxic, but I love her so much that I was willing to fix everything so we can be what we used to be.

We then decided that we should have a talk about our relationship. We apologize for our mistakes and forgive each other. But despite that, fights and arguments still happened, although not as much as before, it was still so serious that we were now in what they call an "on and off" relationship.

We barely talked to each other, but mostly her avoiding me, preventing me from striking a conversation with her. My heart breaks every time she turns me down, thinking that I might lose her just like that.

I tried everything to keep the relationship going. I tried to hold on even though it seemed like it was impossible to go back to what we used to be, a happy couple.

I missed her for I strongly believe that the Yeji I am in a relationship with right now is not the same Yeji that I fell in love with. This Yeji is a whole different person.

The Yeji I fell in love with was sweet, caring, and loving. She always supported me when I was at my highest and comforted me when I was on at lowest. The Yeji I am with right now is the polar opposite.

Not too long ago, I found her with another man. I was jealous, but didn't want to assume to prevent us from fighting over something that could make our relationship completely ruined.

But all of my friends told me that they saw her with that same guy I saw, make out at the back of the school, not once, not twice, but nearly everyday when they get the chance.

I didn't want to believe it. I knew that Yeji wouldn't do something that low, right? She still loves me even though our relationship isn't the best right now, right? She won't leave me no matter what, she promised... right?

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