Blue Scarf (Ryujin)

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(A/N): Hey~.... Hey~

I am alive, yes I am very much alive! And I am back with another oneshot! So yeah... I was busy with a lot of stuff like school, training,...... school...

But don't fret for I have arrived! Luckily, we had a long weekend which would end tomorrow but it helped me and my mental state so yeah... I'm going to try and update as soon as I can.

Without further ado, here is 'Blue Scarf', Enjoy!


Requested by: Oxyload

Fluff (pretty much)



Ryujin POV

'Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm about to be late on my first day of High School!"

I scrambled through my closet as soon as I dried myself with a towel after showering. I'm glad the school I enrolled in didn't require students to wear a uniform, which means us students can wear casual clothes.

I wore a white long-sleeved turtleneck and a dark blue plaid skirt, topping it off with a black denim jacket, and hurriedly wore white socks and my blue roller skates.

I grabbed my rubber shoes that I would be wearing for school and put them inside my bag as I went for the door when...

'Crap, I almost forgot.'

I removed my roller skates and went back to my room and grabbed the blue scarf hanging on a hanger inside my closet. I can't go anywhere without this scarf. I quickly wrapped it around my neck, wore my roller skates back, and left the house, skating my way to school.

Thankfully, the school wasn't very far away as I finally arrived with 20 minutes to spare. I saw my friends waiting for me by the entrance as I waved at them excitedly from far away.

They noticed me and returned the gesture by waving the same way I did, making me giggle as I roller-skated towards them.

"Good morning guys!" I beamed at them, barely containing my excitement.

"Good morning Ryu" They greeted me back as I took my rubber shoes out of my bag and changed my roller skates with it.

As soon as I was finished, we walked inside the building and talked about how excited we are about entering High School while walking towards the principal's office to get our schedule paper.

"By the way Ryuddaeng, I've been meaning to ask you about something." Yeji told me while poking my shoulder

"What is it, Yeddeong?" I tilted my head at her.

"Well, I noticed that you always wear that blue scarf almost everywhere you go. Even on summer days, where it's hot. Is it like a special item or something?" She asked as the others started to chime in the conversation.

"To be honest, I'm wondering about the same thing." Lia spoke.

"Me too, I found it odd when you wore it when we first hung out on summer break." Chaeryeong added.

"We're all curious about the blue scarf of yours, Ryujin~" Yuna said as I fiddled with my fingers, debating whether to tell them about it or not. They continued to pester me about it, leaving me no choice but to tell them.

"O-okay okay... I'll tell you... but only once! I'm not repeating this again so you all better listen carefully."

"Fine~ Just hurry up and tell us!" Yuna impatiently said as I took a deep breath and started to tell them the story... about the Blue Scarf.

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