VLive (Yuna)

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(A/N): So as you might have noticed, this book has turned into a "Girl Group Oneshot book". And yes, this book is still alive.


Requested by: Haru-sunbae (So sorry that this took so long!)


Fluff (This is for real! Cut me some slack!)


"How do you even start this," You scratched your head as you tried to figure out how to start your VLive.

(Y/N)(L/N), that's your name. You are part of the fast-rising group, 5Star!, as the lead singer and rapper.

You're currently at your home in Seoul, using the week off that your company gave you to relax and get some rest.

You were enjoying the alone time for the first time in a while. You played video games, exercised, and slept for as long as you wanted.

You have to admit though, you were feeling kinda lonely. You missed having the other members around, even though it only has been 4 days into your "staycation". You also missed a certain bubbly girl for the longest time.

Shin Yuna, your lovely girlfriend.

You and Yuna are known as the power couple of the 4th Generation. Both of you have stunning visuals, amazing voices, impressive dancing, and most importantly, both of you are the maknaes of your group.

Due to your schedules as professional idols, you only get to see her during events and award shows. That is why you always look forward to being given a day off or a week off just to have a chance to spend time together with just the both of you.

And today is one of those glorious days. ITZY was also given a week off for the hard work they put in their promotions. In fact, your lovely girlfriend, Yuna, is still in your room, sleeping peacefully while here you are on the sofa, trying to figure out how to go live in VLive.

Why are you suddenly interested in going live to talk with your fans? Nothing in particular, really. You just figured that it'd be fun to interact with them every once in a while.

"Ah, here we go," You successfully set your phone up and pressed the 'Start Live' button. Your face appeared on the screen and almost immediately, the fans entered the live and filled the comment section with comments about how delighted they were to see you.

"Hello, everyone!" You greeted happily, waving your hands at the camera. "How have you been? Did you miss me?"

"Oh my god! Yes, we missed you!"

"We're so glad you're doing okay during your break!"

"Wah, your hair looks so cool! Hehehe."

"You're so cute, I'm gonna die!!!"

"No~ Don't die~" You replied in the last comment. "We will be sad if you do!"

"Okay, I won't!"


The VLive was going smoothly so far. You answered some questions, sang for the fans, showed them your pet dog, and did more fun stuff.

"What is it like being Yuna's boyfriend?" You read the comment and smiled lovingly. Just thinking about her makes you feel cozy and warm

"It's always fun when we spend time together. I always forget all the stress and worries because of her energetic and bubbly personality. She's also really mature, despite her kiddy personality. She's the bes-"

In the middle of you flexing your wonderful girlfriend in front of your fans, the girl in question suddenly sat on your lap and hugged your torso like a koala.

"Oh, good morning baby," You caressed her head that was resting on the crook of your neck. "Did you have a good sleep?"

"Mhm," She hummed, pulling your body closer. "But I was sad that I woke up not seeing you beside me."

You could feel the pout forming on her lips, making you chuckle at her cuteness.

"Aww, first thing in the morning and my baby is already needy~" You teased. At this point you forgot what you were originally doing.

Yuna lifted her head up and cupped your face with two hands. Her sleepy eyes stared lovingly at your relaxed ones.

"I love you," She muttered while inching her face closer.

"I love you too," You connected your lips to her soft ones. No matter how many times you kiss, both of you always feel those butterflies in your stomachs, every kiss always feels as amazing as the first time.

After a few seconds, you two pulled away and stared lovingly at one another again. That was also the moment you realized that you were still live on VLive.

"What's wrong?" Yuna asked after seeing you stare at something.

"Ah, it's just..." You mumbled as she curled an eyebrow. She turned around and saw your phone on the table. The live was still going and the comments were going crazy.

"WTF!!! Did (Y/N) oppa and Yuna unnie just... KISS??!?!?!?!!?"

"Wah!!! Sana ol!!!!"

"Yuna unnie's so cute being needy of (Y/N) oppa!!!"

"You saw how (Y/N) oppa just forgot about the live as soon as Yuna unnie came in? #whipped"

"(Y/N)xYuna best couple!"

"#NeedyYuna #Whipped(Y/N)"

You expected Yuna to be embarrassed as you were already preparing an apology but to your surprise, Yuna just giggled and hugged your torso once again.

You sighed in content and hugged her back while looking at the camera.

"To finish answering the previous question, She's the best girlfriend you could ever ask for and I am not letting her go for anyone else."


(A/N): So sorry that this is so short. Due to the lack of further information, I just tweaked it a little to hopefully fulfill the request.

I'll probably change the title and cover in a few minutes after I publish this.

Thank you for reading, Blossoms! I love you all!

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