Vexatus (Yuna)

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(A/N): This book is still alive, like me. :D

Before you read this, I just wanna say I love 103 of yall for supporting me! Thank you so much, Blossoms!

103 followers LET'S GO!

Please enjoy reading 'Vexatus', woot woot!


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Yuna POV


'Ugh...' I rubbed my temple in frustration as I heard someone yell from behind. I already knew who it was.

"Ya~ where's my good morning?" He asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." I greeted with a grumpy tone while I forced a smile

"There we go~" (Y/N) cooed and laughed. I could feel the people around staring at us distastefully.

"Why are you here anyway?" I asked while trying to hide the venom in my voice.

"Because I'm your best friend! And best friends walk and go to school together!" He said in a loud voice. I scoffed and continued walking with him beside me.

Seriously... this guy.

Yes, we were best friends, he used to make me laugh and have fun.

At first, it was bearable and fun to be with him and his hyperactive self, but now, he is just becoming annoying and frustrating.

I don't know why I kept up with him this long when his other friends already cut ties with him a long time ago.

'I swear today couldn't get any worse.'


Okay... I was wrong about that... Today is getting worse.

"Hey, Yuna!" (Y/N) tried to whisper but it was too loud.

I tried my best to ignore him and listen to what the teacher was saying, but he kept poking me with his pen.

"What?!" I whispered back irritably.

"Why was our teacher late today? Because she took the RHOMBUS!" He joked and began laughing, infuriating me even more. Plus, that joke wasn't even clever!

"Stop joking around and listen to the teacher!" I scolded and kicked his leg.

"Ow!" He yelped, causing me to cover his mouth with my hand but unfortunately, the teacher heard it.

"Yuna! (Y/N)! Why are you interrupting my class!" He scolded us as I slowly removed my hand over (Y/N)'s mouth.


"Sir! Yuna kicked me in the leg!" He whined to our teacher dramatically.

"It's because you were distracting me with jokes!" I said as we started quarrelling before our teacher smacked the blackboard in anger.

"Detention for the both of you later! Now shut up, sit down, and listen!".

"Yes sir." We complied with his instructions.

'Today is officially the worst day ever.'


It's currently lunchtime, which means I get to eat with my friends and get away from (Y/N) for an hour.

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