Sweet N' Spicy (Hanni)

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(A/N): Boom! Another oneshot! Wassup Blossoms!!!! WOOT WOOT

As you've read in the title, it's a Hanni oneshot! This has been in the drafts for so long but I finally had the time to update it. Well, without further ado, lets gooo!


Fluff (I swear it is)

GN! Reader


2ND Person POV

"So babe."


"I've been thinking-"

"I didn't know you could do that."

"Do what?"



You lift your arms up to shield yourself from the inevitable devastating yet playful slaps you are about to receive from your girlfriend, Hanni.

The two of you are currently in your living room, watching the new Spiderman Animated Movie. Although nights like these with her aren't uncommon, it is still an occasion both of you are looking forward to, especially after a hard week's work.

And right now, the two of you are catching your breaths as Hanni just finished whooping your sorry butt before you share a heartfelt laugh.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry," You fixed your posture, still chuckling. "What were you thinking about, though?"

"Oh right!" Hanni beams as she leans her face closer to you. "I scrolled upon this one video on TikTok and I wanted to test it with you."

"Oh, what is it?" You quirk your eyebrow.

"It's a pop the balloon game!" Hanni cheers happily. "It's where you put a balloon under a crate and then we prick it with plastic nails until one of us eventually pops it!."

"Woah, that actually sounds fun. Alright, I'm in, as long as it doesn't include me having to twerk for the camera again," The mere memory made you shudder.

"Hey, come on~ I know you enjoyed doing it," She nudges your shoulder as you bury your head in your hands, trying to drown out the core memory.

A few minutes later, you and Hanni are now facing each other on the table, the balloon in the middle with nails on each of your hands. Apparently, the product needs to be ordered online, so you two had to make a makeshift version of it in order to play.

Hanni thought it'd be hilarious to have the loser drink a full glass but since the both of you don't drink alcohol, Hanni decided to replace it with–

"A better alternative?" You asked anxiously as you saw Hanni hold a mysterious mug.

"Yep!" She answers, her voice a bit too jolly. You definitely knew something was up.

"What is it...?" You squint your eyes at your girlfriend, knowing just how extreme this alternative can be due to her very playful nature.

"Oh, it's just a little experiment I made for this challenge," She smugly answers as she shows you the contents inside the mysterious mug.

"Oh, it's just a little experiment I made for this challenge," She smugly answers as she shows you the contents inside the mysterious mug

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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