Secrets (Ryujin)

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(A/N): Hey Blossoms! Got another original one shot for you.

I was listening to OneRepublic's song 'Secret' and immediately started writing this one shot, which I thought would only take a short while, but I ended up spending almost 2 hours writing this xD

So yeah, I hope you enjoy this one shot, and stay safe! Always wear a mask when going out and sanitize every millisecond!!!!

That's all! I'm so extra today, forgive me.


Angst to Fluff (i think?)



(Y/N) Pov

"Hey (Y/N)!" I heard someone scream my name. I must've spaced out again...

"I've been calling you for a minute or 2 now. Are you okay?" My best friend, Ryujin asked as I looked at her and smiled the most convincing smile I could show her, hoping that she'll let it slide and not press me any further.

"Yeah, I'm okay, Ryu. Just thinking about what to do after basketball practice." I semi-lied to her as she seemed to have fallen for my alibi, making me mentally sigh in relief.

"Hahaha! You really think really hard about something like that ever since, huh?" She laughed as I laughed along with her. Her laugh is so contagious... I wish I could hear more of it though...

*ring* *ring*

Ryujin took out her cellphone to see who was calling her. When she saw the caller ID, her face lit up and immediately answered it.

"Hello~.... Uh-huh... Sure! I would love to! Okay... See you~" I just watched her to talk to the person that called her and sighed in defeat as I had an idea who it could be.

"W-who was that" I tried to act as normal as I can to avoid being suspicious.

"It was Felix and he said we're going to have a date. I'm sorry I can't go home with you, (Y/N)" She informed me as I just smiled and assured her that it was okay. And then she left to go to Felix... Her boyfriend.

I liked Ryujin a lot. Maybe it had to do with us being the best of friends ever since we were kids. We basically grew up doing anything together. We always went to school together, we always go to the movies together, we always had sleepovers back then, too. Oh how I've missed those days where there was no one who could separate us... And as we grew older, my feelings for her grew, too.

I was planning to confess to her the same day she was planning to confess her feelings for Felix. She told me all about her plan and at that moment, I felt my heart shatter into millions of pieces. But as the supportive best friend I am, I helped her execute her plan and it turns out that Felix felt the same way.

I tried to find negative things about Felix out of disappointment and being in denial that Ryujin doesn't like me back. But I can't seem to find any flaw because I know what type of person he is...

He's kind, caring, considerate, you name it. And as time went on, I finally accepted that Felix was the one for Ryujin, not me. But even though I had accepted the fact that I won't end up with Ryujin, it doesn't mean that I don't feel my heart shatter every time I see the two of them together, like a perfect couple.

The jealousy and sadness is too much... And I can't handle it anymore. I'm sick of my heart getting shattered every single day...

I eventually came home after practice and headed straight for my room as I got a towel and fresh clothes to wear.

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