An Unforgettable Trip (Yeji)

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If you don't know that reference, then I feel sorry for you.

Anyways, I am back with the oneshots! And the oneshot I have for y'all today is a   l o o o o o o o o n g  one! This should've been out way earlier but stuff came up and I never got the chance to finish it that time. But since it's already our Christmas break, I was able to finish it up and wowee, it still took a while.

Well, with that being said, here's a Yeji oneshot. Enjoy!


Requested by: ATOM7699

Angst to Fluff




"Hey, nerd!" I hear a familiar voice shout, followed by a sudden liquid sensation covering my body from head to toe. I don't know what substance was suddenly poured on me, but I do know that it had a very raunchy smell.

"Looks good on ya!" She laughed, along with her friends, and left the scene. Soon more and more students who passed by me looked at me in disgust while covering their noses.

I sigh heavily and head to the shower room to change my garments.

"Seriously, what the hell is this shit?" I removed my shirt and threw it in the trash bin nearby. With that smell, there's no way any of my garments would be reusable.

Soon enough, I removed all my clothes and stepped into the shower. It was a good thing I brought some soap and shampoo to at least get the smell off my body and hair. After a few minutes of washing up, I dry myself with a towel and change into my spare clothes before leaving the shower room.

In case any of you are wondering, this isn't the first time something like this has happened. In fact, this has been going on since my freshman year of high school...

And I'm already in my senior year...

Now I know you might be very confused as to why I'm not fighting back. Well, first of all, I'm not a confrontational type of person, so it would be hard for me to stand up for myself because they might not take me seriously.

Second of all, my bully is a girl... A girl that I have been in love with for a very, very, very long time...

Hwang Yeji.

I already know what you're thinking and the answer is No, I'm not a masochist. It's a very long story to tell, I don't even know where to begin.

"Mr. (L/N), you're late," My teacher, Ms. Kang scolded me as soon as I entered the room. "Mind telling me where you've been?"

"I was in the shower room, Ma'am," I explained and bowed in apology.

She just sighed and told me to sit down because she has an important announcement. I hurriedly went to my seat and sat down, only to be met by thumbtacks that pierced my rear, making me yelp.

"Mr. (L/N), what is it?" Ms. Kang asked with an irritated tone. I just told her that it was nothing while trying to hold back the pain.

I didn't even need to look around the room to guess the culprit behind this "prank". Her evil little giggles rang in my ears as I tried to take out one thumbtack at a time.

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