My (Lia)

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(A/N): Hey Blossoms! It's been a while since I've updated this book, huh? But don't fret, this oneshot I've been writing for so long is all set! I hope you guys enjoy this oneshot.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy "My"!


Requested by:  Elftone





"Hey, short stack! Give me your lunch money if you don't wanna get hurt!" A girl, a bully to be exact, pinned me to the wall as I struggled to get away.

"Stop squirming before I slap you hard in the face!" She shouted as her friends laughed beside her, mocking me by calling me names.

"P-please... D-dont do this to me, I won't have anything left for me to buy food." I begged, on the verge of tears.

"Do you think I give a damn about you not having money for later?! No! Now stop squirming and give me your money!" She said as they started to beat me up by slapping me and kicking me. I cried and cried, but no one was around to hear my call for help.

"P-lease... Stop." I pleaded, but they didn't listen, instead, they threw me on the floor and stole my money from my wallet, pockets, and school bag.

"Wooh~ Jackpot!" The bully said and spat on me before they left me there, distorted.

This is pretty much my daily school life. Ever since I transferred, I instantly became a target for the bullies due to being a 'nerd' and for having short height. No one knew about it though, because the bullies always get away with it. No witnesses can back me up even if I reported complaints about bullying, and the teachers wouldn't take me seriously anyway... No one will.... Or so I thought...

"HEY!" I heard a guy shout.

"What the hell did you guys do?!" He walked towards the girls as they just snickered.

"We stole money from that nerd over there." I saw her point at me with her thumb. "A lot... of money." She finished as they laughed.

Suddenly the guy pushed her and pinned her to a wall with a very serious and cold stare.

"Give it back to her." He said in a menacing way.

"W-what?! N-no way!" She tried squirming out of his grip as he tightened it, making the girl cry out in pain.

"I said... GIVE IT BACK TO HER YOU BITCH!" He shouted as she and her friends looked at him, scared.

"O-okay okay! Let me go!" She begged as he harshly let her go, basically pushing her in front of me.

"H-here!" She threw me all the money she stole and turned around to look at the guy.

"NOW SCRAM! AND IF I CATCH YOU BULLYING OTHER STUDENTS, I'LL MAKE SURE YOU REGRET EVEN THINKING ABOUT BULLYING!" He shouted, asserting dominance as the girls shivered in fear and ran away.

"Phew..." He sighed heavily and walked towards me. I gifted my head up to look at him.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked me in a soft tone. It was so soothing that I forgot about all the pain I received from all the punches and kicks just a few moments ago.

"Y-yeah..." I stuttered.

"Are you sure?" He asked as I nodded.

He bent down and picked up my things, including the money, off the ground and fixed it neatly. He carefully put the money in my wallet and all my things into my backpack. He then put on the backpack, making me confused.

Girl Group x Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now