We're Going To Be Just Fine (Lia)

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(A/N): Good day, Blossoms! Quick notice before you read~

I wanted to try something new with this one shot. I am sorry, but this won't be a romantic one shot.

Instead, this story is inspired by Rachel Nichols' story about the late Kobe Bryant.

And if you have been here for a while now, you should already know that my one shots are strongly based on certain videos or music lyrics that I am listening to. I always come up with scenarios that way, and this one shot is one of them.

... Idk why I am telling you guys this, seriously... xD

Anyway~ Lia one shot, Let's dive in!



M!Reader (this is not romance, I'm sorry </3)


Lia pov

Being a young journalist is not easy, especially when you're still starting out. It's only been a year since I started but I still had difficulties making the celebrities or icons agree on doing an interview. Some of them we're cocky or arrogant, some of them we're snobs, and some of them are just complete assholes, disrespecting me as a person.

I was at a point where I am starting to second guess if the profession I dreamt of having was worth it. I swore to myself that if nothing goes well for another year, I'm quitting.

Later that year, my boss gave me the task to do a story on a rookie from the NBA. I was only informed that he's a 6'6 shooting guard that has only been around for a year.

I was in disbelief since I didn't know a lot about basketball and sports in general.

Of course, I had to study about the game and study about new forms of reporting. I listed down every relevant question that you can ask a basketball player, especially a rookie starting his career on the big stage.

A few days passed and I went to attend the game and watched the rookie play. He was playing for the Minnesota Timberwolves and wasn't really given many minutes since there are a lot of veterans in said team.

However, even with just 11 minutes of playing time, the rookie managed to score 13 points, which is actually pretty impressive.

After the game, I quickly looked up his name on the stat sheet and found his jersey number with his name beside it.

'Number (J/N), (Y/N)(L/N)'

I proceeded to head towards the locker room as quickly as possible so that I can't miss the chance to interview him.

Little did I know, I didn't really need to rush because I saw him head straight to the court once again instead of going home with his teammates. At first I found it weird and wondered what the hell would he still be doing here.

I asked permission to interview (Y/N)(L/N) and they agreed as they told me where he was right now, even though I saw him walking to the court.

I then saw him practicing by himself, shooting around and doing drills. I didn't know what to do and didn't want to stop him either, so I sat down and watched him practice for 20 minutes.

He took a break and noticed me sitting on the bench as he quickly wiped his sweat with a towel and walked towards me. He looked intimidating, considering he's 6'6 and I'm well.... Yeah.

"Hey there, Mr. (L/N). Can I interview you for a while?" I politely asked him, praying he wouldn't be one of those assholes that would reject harshly. He smiled warmly and I felt like my prayer worked, he sat down on the bench and I began to interview him and took down notes.

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