Vexatus II (Yuna)

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(A/N): We back in this thang! And as promised, here is part 2 of Vexatus!






Yuna POV

He turned around and started to walk away as I sighed heavily.

I felt relieved because I got my point through, but at the same time, I felt sorry for lashing out at him like that.

I pinched my forehead before I took the steps home.


'Was I too harsh? Did I take it too far?' I plopped on my bed, not even bothering to change into comfier clothes.

The things I told him then started to ring in my head over and over again like a siren.

"You can't even do one thing to actually make me happy anymore. But there's one thing you could do, (Y/N). Disappear from my life... I'd cry tears of happiness if you do."

'No shit, Yuna. Anyone would get hurt if someone said that to them.' I groaned and buried my head on my pillow. Now I feel like a horrible person.

Soon, nighttime came. I just finished dinner, kissed my parents good night, and was now getting ready for bed.

'I should apologize to him tomorrow.' I thought before enveloping myself under my blanket and drifting off to sleep.


*sob* *whimper*

I heard a noise of what seemed to be a crying little girl.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a massive wooden door in the middle of nothingness ahead of me. I already knew I was dreaming just from the look of the place I am in.

"Where... am I?" I looked around but nothing seemed to be present except for the door.

I walked closer to the door, and the cries got louder and louder.

'Is it coming from here?' I pressed my ear against the door and I was sure I heard a little girl crying from the other side. I pushed the door open and a bright light momentarily blinded me.

When I got my vision back, I was standing under a tree in a playground. There I saw a little girl, crying with her head buried in her knees. She was just right across from me.

The girl looked familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

A few seconds later, a boy walked towards the little girl and sat beside her. I couldn't see his face, it was all blurred.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked.

"No..." The girl then lifts her head, her eyes red and puffy from all the crying as tears rapidly fall from her eyes.

'That's... me...' I couldn't believe it, this little girl is me.

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong? It's okay if you don't want to." The boy asked again. Seriously, his voice sounded familiar.

"They left me..." Little me whimpered.

"Who did?" The boy tilted his head in confusion.

"My friends." Little me sobbed louder and buried her head in her knees again.

"Why would they do that?" He asked as calmly as possible.

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