Solace (Karina)

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(A/N): Back at it like a crack addict! Another oneshot for the month!


Requested by:  Gaeulase

Genre: Fluff, Comfort





Stress: a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.

Whether it's minor or overwhelming, everyone faces stress daily, and I am no exception.

It has been two months since I landed this job, and it's safe to say that things are far from what I expected.

The physical aches, the mental challenges, the emotional instability that built up over time became a daily occurrence at work, and not to mention...

"Y/N!" My coworker shouted. "Why aren't those boxes stacked yet?! For a newbie, you really ought to learn how not to slack off at work!"

"I wasn't though. It's our lunch break-"

"Now you're talking back to me, boy?!"

"No, sir."

"Then fucking get to it!"

I sighed, knowing that there was no use in defending myself. He feels the need to boss me around just because he is my senior in our department.

While everyone else gets a break to eat their lunches, I am here being forced to do all this heavy labor by myself. There were at least a couple dozen boxes that still needed stacking, but here I am doing it all alone, with no help.

The worst part is, this isn't even part of my job! My role is to check the inventory, for goodness' sake.

I've reported him repeatedly, but they always give me the same, unreasonable excuses.

"He's one of our best employees. We can't just kick him out simply because you don't get along." It's a load of nonsense, and I can't do anything but listen to the boss and my senior, or else I will be the one who gets fired.

After I finished stacking the heavy boxes, lunch break was already over. The feeling that stirred inside of me was indescribable, and it didn't help when I saw my senior glance in my direction with a mocking smile plastered on his face.

This workplace bullying has been happening since day one. I don't know how much longer I can tolerate this kind of treatment. I feel so utterly humiliated that adding even the slightest pressure on my shoulders will break me like glass.

But, like always, I toughed it out for the rest of the day, finally clocking out after working an extra hour due to my senior's bullying again. I regulated my breathing, doing my best to stay optimistic.

"I survived another day. Good job, me," I muttered to myself as I took a cab home.

Once I arrived, I stood by the door for a moment, feeling all the stress from today's work take a toll on my body. I feel so tired in all aspects, I'm barely keeping myself up from standing.

After a few moments of spacing out, I finally lifted the key into the lock and made my way in.

Just seconds after I entered, the door to our shared room opened.

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