We Got Married (Yeji)

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Yes, I am alive. Sorry for not being very active lately. We had to finish a lot of school works this past few days and still have one more semester to go, which is sad because I couldn't really focus on writing.

HOWEVER, i will write and update my books whenever I'm free :)

I love y'all~


Requested by Yoda_TzuTzu

I am very sorry if this is not how you wanted it to go :(

I don't really know much about We Got Married but I did the best I can. I hope you enjoy this oneshot :>




3rd person pov

(Y/N)(L/N) is part of the rising KPOP Boy Group, Spec7rum. He was born in 2000, making him the oldest member and the leader of the group.

Today, he was invited to join a show called "We Got Married" which he gladly accepts since their group has no schedules other than the invitation given to him and is now getting dressed up.

He was not informed on who his partner will be but he made sure to wear an outfit that will impress his "wife" at least. Once he was ready, he got out of his room, only to be greeted by the other members who were all wishing him good luck.

"Hyung! We will support you from start to finish!" The group's maknae shouted as (Y/N) was headed for their door.

"You better! I will be leaving now!" He answered back as the members told their goodbyes before (Y/N) finally exited their dorm and went straight to the car, where his manager was waiting.

*time skip*

He finally arrived at the location where he saw the WGM Crew setting their equipment up. He thanked his manager for dropping him off as he exited the vehicle and walked towards the crew.

"Phew, Good thing I'm not late." He thought as he kindly greeted the crew and staff members, who greeted him back kindly as well.

He finally saw the PD as he walked towards the man and greeted him, and just like the crew and staff, the man greeted (Y/N) back with kindness.

Soon, they were currently shooting where (Y/N) will meet his wife in a certain destination. He was given a box with a letter on top of it as he read the letter out loud.

"Hello there! Today is the day you're meeting your wife. Inside the box contains a phone that can only be used to contact your wife." He opened the box and found a phone and a flower with another letter beside it. He takes the letter first as he reads it out loud once again.

"After you have called your wife, take the flower that is also in this box and give it to her." He took the phone and saw that there was only one contact in it that said "My wife".

*ring* *ring*

After only two rings, the phone has been picked up by his "wife".

"Hello?" The girl on the other line answered. (Y/N) didn't know if it was just him but the voice sounded very familiar.

"Oh hello. Where are you right now?"

"I am sitting near the ____ river."

"Oh, you must be close! I am on the way to meet you. See you~"

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