New Year's Eve

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—eycte Alex.

I know it's not New Year's Eve anymore but let's just pretend it is <3 Happy New Year, by the way!

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I know it's not New Year's Eve anymore but let's just pretend it is <3
Happy New Year, by the way!

"Come in! The door is open!" Alex entered the house and closed the door behind him. Then, he stood next to the stars and leaned on the handrail and slid his hair back with a comb, leaving some locks fall in his forehead.

"Are you ready, love? We need to go."

"Give me just a sec! You've come fifteen minutes earlier, you fucker, so don't expect me to be ready before the hour we had agreed to meet." Bella shouted from the bathroom.

"You know Matt's always asking for punctuality, and last time we arrived 30 minutes late, I don't want to annoy him. We're already late, Bell. "

"Fine! Give me two minutes!"

"I know you can be ready in one, love! I've seen you doing your make up, you can't fool me."

"Of course I can, you idiot, but what's the fun of not making you wait for me?" Bella whispered in his ear, sending shivers down his spine, given that she had descended the stairs silently so Alex wasn't aware of her presence until he turned around.

"For fuck's sake! You've scared me!" He turned around, angrily. However, when he saw Bella in a two piece black suit, his jaw almost dropped. He scanned her from top to bottom, staring at her curves and small details of her body which he loved.

"Close your mouth, Turner, you're gonna catch a fly."

"I'm sorry, you're just... Wow." She smiled and wrapped her arms around her neck, stroking the back of his neck with her fingertips. Alex grabbed her waist, bringing Bella so close to him their breaths were mixed.

"You look so fucking handsome too, Al". She moved her hands to his chest, unbuttoning his black and white shirt, showing his chest a little more than usual. "You know, this shirt is telling me to rip it out and have you right here". Bella bit her lower lip, knowing perfectly what she was doing to him. Alex knew it as well, so he decided to play the game, too.

"You can have me here and now if you want to, love." Alex's hand descended to Bella's butt, grabbing it fiercely and making her gasp as their crotches collided.

"We'll be late if we do that love, and I don't want to make Matt wait, so we better be going." With a graceful movement, she untangled herself from the embrace they were sharing and grabbed a small little purse that was resting in a small wooden table, next to the door.

"Come on, we'll be late." She winked at him and he followed her to the front yard, where Alex wrapped his arm around her waist and whispered mischievously between the crook of her neck and her ear:

"This hasn't end, love. Later, you're gonna pay for what you've done."

"Can't wait for that." She slapped his ass and they entered the cab which was waiting for them.

one shots ¦ alex turner [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now