Boyfriend Material: High School Edition

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—Early AM Alex

—Early AM Alex

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"Hey!" Alex shouted, watching his girlfriend jog towards him through the football field.

"Hey!" Julia hugged him tightly, and he lifted her from the ground, making her spin around and wrap her legs around his waist.

She giggled and cupped his cheeks with her hands, kissing his lips repeatedly. Alex smiled through the succession of them and placed Julia again on the ground, earning a frown from her lips once they pulled away.

"Hey! I wasn't done with you!" She pouted.

"We'll have lots of times to catch up with all the kissing, but right now your team is waiting for you to give the victory speech." He smiled as he placed a lock from her hair behind her ear. "You've been absolutely amazing out there, love, the goal you scored was so great!"

"Thanks, I really appreciate that." She smiled, softly. "You're right, I should get going, almost the whole team is there too so I need to go. See you later?"

"I'll be waiting for you in the car, I'm taking you out, I already have your mom's blessing so..." He leaned it to peck her lips again.

"Cool. I'll be back in 20'." She kissed his lips one more time and parted towards the locker's room.

Julia was the school football team captain. They had just played an important match, which they had won, as they had been warmed up by the heat of the small, local audience cheering their names.

Hidden in the crowd, Alex was feeling incredibly proud for his girlfriend. He admired so much aspects of her, and when he saw her nailing every pass, every small kick to the ball, he started feeling a sense of pride growing inside him.

As he stared at her walking towards the locker's room door, his smile grew wider and his mind started to wonder what he had done to deserve Julia.

However, he snapped out of his thoughts when he received a text from Matt reminding him of asking Taylor, Julia's best friend, if she wanted to go on a date with him, given that he didn't have the guts to walk over to her in History Class and ask that question himself.

'Ok' Alex replied before shoving his phone into his trousers's pocket. Then, he headed for his car, which was parked outside the school.

When he arrived, he leaned back in the car and took a plastic comb out of his leather jacket, adjusting the hair on both sides of his head perfectly, leaving the front part non-gelled nor combed, just as he knew Julia liked it.

Alex waited there for the promised 20 minutes, which seemed eternal to him. Nevertheless, when he saw his girlfriend approaching him, wearing a baggy, black T-shirt and short sweatpants that matched the shirt in colour, a playful smirk appeared on his face.

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