Taylor Swift

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—TBHC Alex

The short scenes are supposed to take place in different days, I'm sorry if it isn't very obvious, I found it really hard to express it :(

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The short scenes are supposed to take place in different days, I'm sorry if it isn't very obvious, I found it really hard to express it :(

"Hey, babe! I'm home!" Alex shouted, placing his keys on the hall table and walking towards the living room, as he was perceiving noises from there.

"But I miss, screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain, and it's 2 AM and I'm cursing your name, you're so in love that you act insane, and that's the way I loved you!" Rebecca shouted over a tune that was very familiar to Alex, given that he was aware of his fiancée's obsession with Taylor Swift.

She had been her inspiration since she was a teenager. Rebecca had supported her since the very beginning and knew every lyric to every song.

She was so focus on singing and swaying her hips that she had took no notice of Alex's presence behind her. He was leaning in the door frame, smirking at the sight of his fiancée banging and dancing to her favourite songs.

The tune ended, and Alex applauded and cheered her performance. Rebecca turned around, blushed, and scratched the back of her neck shyly as Alex approached her.

"That was an amazing performance, love, I'm gonna have to bring you with me on tour as an opening act."

"Shut up." She said, leaning in and pecking his lips. "I still don't understand why you don't like Taylor, she's literally the best."

"It's not my cuppa, I've told you a million times." He whispered as he tucked some locks of her hair behind her ear.


"Wind in my hair, and I remember it, all too well!"

Water ran through his body, touching his shiny and toned skin from shoulder to toe. Music echoed loudly from a small speaker while Alex shampooed his hair, running his calloused fingers though it at the beat of the song.

The door was closed, so Alex couldn't help but sing along to the Taylor Swift song that had been secretly stuck in his head for a while then. The lyrics filled the room, but they didn't scape the confined room. Or at least, that's what he thought.

From the other side of the door, Rebecca was recording the whole performance in her mobile phone, giggling not very quietly. However, Alex didn't notice, as he was more focused on shouting the lyrics to Better Than Revenge.


"So, what do you wanna watch tonight?" Rebecca asked, huddling up closer to her fiancée with a packet of crisps between her hands.

"I was thinking that we could watch Miss Americana. I know you've been dying to see it for a long time, and if anything makes my fiancée happy, it makes me happy as well." He lied, desperate to watch the Taylor Swift documentary he'd been gagging for so long.

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