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—Late SIAS / Early AM Alex

Part 2 of "Dancefloor"! Lately I only feel like writing second parts of my other One Shots, I have more and better inspiration this way lmao

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Part 2 of "Dancefloor"! Lately I only feel like writing second parts of my other One Shots, I have more and better inspiration this way lmao. Anyway, go and read "Dancefloor" if you haven't yet so you can understand the context.




"Would you... Would you like to hang out tomorrow evening? Perhaps at my place, I was thinking we could watch a movie or something, if you want to, of course". He stuttered, looking down and scratching the back of his neck.

"I would love to, Al". Alex looked at her and they both smile.



"Fuck, mate, why am I so nervous?" Alex said, messing his hair and wandering around his bedroom.

It was a cloudy, windy, Saturday afternoon. Autumn was in full swing in Sheffield: leaves covered the streets, while scarfs and boots were already part of people's attire.

Matt was laying on his bed, watching his friend, extremely amused. Alex had asked him if he could come over before his date with Amy, hoping Helders would give him some useful advice, as well as calming him down.

"Alex, it's just a fucking date. If you get more nervous than you currently are, you're gonna fuck it up."

"Thanks, Matthew, I hadn't thought about it." He rolled his eyes, sarcastically. "I don't know why am I so nervous, I kissed her last night, man, and she kissed me back. You don't kiss someone if you don't like them, right?" Alex sighed as he sat on his swivel chair, burying his face on his hands.

"Look, Alex, you seriously need to stop overthinking, it'll only make things worse. Mate, she kissed you, you guys were sucking each other's face for ten minutes straight, for fuck's sake!"

"I know, but we were both a little pissed and maybe she just felt like it in that moment because of the booze..."

"Alex, for fuck's sake, stop it. She likes you and you like her, just be yourself and enjoy it! Everything will be fine, mate, just don't be nervous or else you'll screw it up. Come on, I'll grab you a pint, it'll keep you calmed."

"Fine. I'll wait here." He stood up and walked towards the room mirror, looking at himself in the reflection. "Matt, one last thing."


"Is the outfit alright? I mean, it isn't too formal nor too informal, right?"

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