Valentine's Day

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—Early SIAS Alex.

"Where are we going?" Lydia said as Alex covered her eyes with a blindfold

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"Where are we going?" Lydia said as Alex covered her eyes with a blindfold.

"Be patient, love, it's gonna be worth the wait". Alex smirked while he finished adjusting the blind to his girlfriend's face. "Done. Come on, let's get going." He took her hand and intertwined their fingers, leaving a soft kiss.

"I hope this place is not too far from here, I will surely faint".

"Don't worry, I got you".

They continued walking and chatting for about fifteen minutes, until they stood in front of Lydia's Valentine's Day surprise.

"We're almost there, love. Be careful with the stairs". He opened a door and grabbed Lydia bridal style, seeing that she wasn't going to be capable of climbing up the stairs on her own.

"I swear that if you drop me I will pull up all of your hair". He giggled.

"Don't worry, I won't let you fall. Unless..."He made a feint and he laughed when he noticed Lydia's hand holding on to his shirt.

"I hate you, I hate you so much, Alexander Turner".

"You don't. Come on, let's take off the blindfold". He left his girlfriend on the ground and sat behind her, untying the clothing chunk.

Alex left the blindfold fall beside her, and took advantage of their position to hug Lydia from behind, placing his head on the crook of her neck, kissing her shoulder softly.

"Open your eyes, love". He whispered, and when Lydia opened her eyes, her jaw almost drop.

Alex had prepared a picnic on his roof. There was a radio cassette player standing up on their left, a small fridge full of beer on their right and a picnic cloth below them. Just as their first date. The stars on the sky where shining bright, and the moonlight was illuminating both of their figures.

The Moon was highlighting Alex's features, offering him an even more handsome look. He was smiling proudly, staring at her with those deep, black eyes full of love and desire.

Lydia turned around and kissed Alex on the lips, grabbing his face with her small hands. Turner smiled through the kiss and followed it.

"Al...This is so... So beautiful. I don't know what to say". Lydia said, tears falling from her eyes. "I don't deserve you".

"You don't have to say anything, I planned all of this just to show you how much I love you and care about you." He whispered, wiping her tears with his thumbs. "Also, I know you've had a few stressful days because of work, so I thought this may help... And I was right". He smiled, kissing her lips one more time.

"I love you, Alexander Turner". She said, burying her face on his chest.

"I love you too, Lydia". He kissed the top of her head and pulled away. "Come on, let's eat, the food is getting cold". He took out of nowhere two boxes of pizza and grabbed to beers from the fridge, handing one to his girlfriend.

"Oh, I almost forgot to give you this. Happy Valentine's Day, my love." When they finished their meals, Alex took a small package out of his blazer's pocket and handed it to Lydia. "It's not much, but I put my whole heart on it. I hope you like it".

"Al, this is too much, I can't accept all this, seriously. Give it back or ask for a refund, I seriously don't want you to give me all this stuff."

"It cost me nothing, honestly. Open it, love, please, I would really appreciate it if you did".

"Fine, but then I'll give you my present as well".

"Fine by me". Lydia opened the small gift. In her eyes, there was this childish yet cute glint, and as Alex acknowledged this, she smiled.

When she finished unwrapping the paper, she found herself with a small mixtape and a letter on her hands. She turned around the mixtape and saw a small sign with something written on it:

"Alex Turner's love mixtape to Lydia. Happy Valentine's Day, love, insert this inside the radio cassette player. Every song of this reminds me of you somehow, so I decided to record them on this mixtape and gave it to you as a way to express my feelings. You know that I struggle with expressing myself sometimes.

Read the letter later on your own.

Love, Alexander xx"

Lydia turned around and looked at him with a confused gaze.

"Do what it says, come on." Lydia obeyed and stood up, placing the mixtape inside the player. Suddenly, a Led Zeppelin tune which she instantly recognised started playing.

"Good choice, Turner. Your taste in music never lets me down".

"I know, it's my biggest flex". He smirked as she sat down again, pecking his lips.

"Thank you so much, Alex, I love the gift and I swear that I'm going to listen to it every night".

"I hope so.You need to figure the explanation behind why I chose each song and tell me after it".

"I love it when you act so mysterious, Turner". She smirked and licked her lips. "Anyway, here's my present. Hope you like it." He took a packet out of her bag and gave it to Alex.

"What's it?" He opened it carefully.

"Suck it and see". She said, quoting one of his songs.

"Lydia...What's this?" He said, holding two tickets on his hands.

"Read the inscription behind them, fucker". He turned around the tickets. When he read what was behind them, his eyes went wide and he looked at Lydia, shocked.

"Lydia... Is this? What I think it is? Really?" He said, still surprised.

"Yes. Two VIP exclusive tickets to visit Stanley Kubrick's House. It's only opened for a few people every year, and we're one of those lucky ones". She said, smiling.

"This may have cost you a fortune..." Alex said, looking down.

"It's worth it, babe, we'll have a romantic weekend abroad and we'll do something that you truly love, so it's not a problem for me. Besides, you've prepared all this, so it's the least I could do".

"God I love you so much". He took her face between both of his hands and kissed her passionately, laying down on the roof.

She followed the kiss, smiling through it, and landed on top of him, tangling her fingers in his hair, messing it up while they kissed.

Alex's hand travelled to her waist, hugging it and bringing her even closer to him, if that was humanly possible. Lydia's tongue demanded access to Alex's vocal cavity, and he gladly accepted the invitation.

And there they stood, under the starry sky, kissing and enjoying each other while The Beatles' I want you (She's so Heavy) was playing in the background.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone !!

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