Do I wanna know ? (1/2)

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—AM Alex.

Victoria and the Monkeys had been friends since high school

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Victoria and the Monkeys had been friends since high school. At that time, they were inseparable, but when the Monkeys became succesful their relationship started fading away.

Currently, Arctic Monkeys were on tour all around the world. They played shows every night, enjoying themselves as the crowd sang all the words to their songs and having so much fun in the bar after their every night concerts.

Unfortunately, after an unfortunate experience in one of those drunk nights, Jamie broke his arm when he fell to the ground in the middle of the dancefloor.

"Fuck. We're screwed". Nick said sitting next to Jamie, who was laying in a bed hospital and covered with a white bed sheet.

"There's only one show left and then we'll stop for a bit. We need to get a stand-in guitarist for the following gig". Matt said, leaning in the hospital wall.

"Where are we playing next?". Jamie asked.

"London". The drummer answered.

"Vic". Alex, who was sitting in a chair burying his face on his hands and looking down fastly replied, lifting his head. "She plays the guitar".

"Victoria? From high-school? She was good".

"Is she that girl who you had a crush on, Turner? God, you couldn't stop talking about her, it was so annoying, mate". Nick asked and Alex gulped.

"Yeah, that one". He looked down again. "As far as I know, she moved to London after we left."

"I think we should call her. It would be great to se her again, it's been a long time since we last spoke".

"I'm with Matt. Let's give her a chance". Jamie replied.

"So we're all in agreement?"

"Yep". They all replied at the same time.

"Al, do you still have her number?"

"Yes. I'll call her". He took out his phone from his jacket and left the room.

In the corridor, he searched her number in the contact list, dialed it and waited for her to pick up the phone.

I hope she hasn't changed her number. Come on Vic, pick up the bloody phone. For me.

"Hi?" Alex smile when he heard her voice again. It had been ages.


"Yes. Who's speaking?"

"This is Alex. Alex Turner".

"Alex? The rockstar? Bloody hell, how are you, mate? And how did you get my number?"

"I'm good, thanks. You haven't changed your number in all these years, you prick".

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