We Will Always Have Paris

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—Late SIAS Alex.

After 3 long minutes convincing him that she was okay, Alex went away to his own hotel room, leaving Eleanor alone in her bed

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After 3 long minutes convincing him that she was okay, Alex went away to his own hotel room, leaving Eleanor alone in her bed.

She grabbed her phone, which was resting in the bedside table, and checked the time.

"It's 7:30, I have 45 minutes to get ready for breakfast downstairs. I'll just stay in bed for ten more minutes, it won't kill me if I just closed my eyes..."


"El!" Her roommate smashed the door behind her, making loud noises as she entered the room. "Fuck, this headache it's killing me. Have you got any painkillers?"

"They're in my suitcase."

"I'll take one." She did as she told, and threw herself on the bed. "You still gotta tell me everything about you and Al. I have forgotten a lot of things about last night, but you shagging Al isn't one of them. Tell me."

"What do you want me to tell you?"

"Does he fuck well?"

"Yeah, I'm so not telling you that." She threw a pillow at her friend, guffawing.

"Okay, I get it, but at least I get to know how everything started, right?"

"Of course. Remember Jamie's party on Christmas?"

"Yeah, the costume party. You were dressed as Uma Thurman in Kill Bill."

"True. So, I had been fancying Alex for a while then, we were friends and stuff, but one day, something changed and lit a spark inside me, and I started wanting more of him."

"What you doing here by yourself?" Alex asked, stepping outside Jamie's house with a glass of whisky in hand.

"Needed fresh air. Booze makes me feel hot, and the amount of people inside the house isn't helping me with that." She half smiled, patting the spot in the bench in which she was sat for Alex to join her.

"Understandable." He sat down and took a packet of cigarettes from his pocket and brought it to his lips, lightning it before taking a long drag.

"Marty McFly?" El asked, pointing at his outfit.

"Yeah. Beatrix Kiddo, Kill Bill?"


"Love that suit. Yellow looks good on you."

"Thanks. I really love the whole 80s vibe from your outfit."

"Thanks, that was the idea. Seems like you're the only one who has recognised who I'm dressed as."

"It was easy. People really didn't get it?"

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