School Trip

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—Late SIAS Alex.

Part 1 of this small saga of Alex and Eleanor in Paris! I have a lot of ideas coming from personal experience (I just came back from my own end of year trip, I had so much fun, by the way), so I may write quite a bit about this

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Part 1 of this small saga of Alex and Eleanor in Paris! I have a lot of ideas coming from personal experience (I just came back from my own end of year trip, I had so much fun, by the way), so I may write quite a bit about this. Enjoy!

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" Alex asked as he threw himself in his bed.

"A bit, actually. You know I don't like planes." Eleanor said to the phone.

"I know, love, but it'll be fine. Airplanes are the most safe means of transport, actually."

"Whatever, I just hope it doesn't crash. I don't wanna die drowned in the ocean."

"Well, in that case, we'll die together. As Morrisey once said, to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die."

"You seriously need to stop quoting The Smiths, Al."

"You know I'll never stop." He laughed.

"Do you have everything packed already?" Eleanor asked as she got up from her bed, in order to grab a packet of biscuits from her desk. She bit one while she heard her boyfriend speak.

"Yeah, the only thing left is to find a way to hide the cigarettes from the teachers."

"Just put them inside your boxers, they're not gonna frisk your underwear."

"Yeah, I'll do that. By the way, did you get the condoms?"

"Yeah, I stole a packet from my parents. He uses the same size as you, surprisingly." She laughed. "But, Al, are we going to have time? Keep in mind that none of our friends knows about us..."

"We'll manage. What kind of couple will we be if we don't fuck in Paris?" Turner said, in a sarcastic tone of voice.

"Yeah, we'll suck." Lea rolled her eyes as she chuckled.

"Well, love, as much as I enjoy talking to you, I need to go. My parents are already insisting on me going to sleep early. Goodnight, darling, I love you." Alex announced, after a long 2-hours conversation.

"I love you too, Al. See you tomorrow."

"See you. Sweet dreams, princess." He brought the phone's speaker to his lips, and gave it a resounding kiss which made Eleanor giggle.


"Alex Turner!"

"Here!" He shouted, raising his hand.

"And finally, Sebastian Wilson!"


"Okay, so we're not missing anyone. I'm going to get ahead, just to talk to the pilot and warn him that a horde of horny, wild teenagers is going to take over his plane. Please, don't do anything silly and pay attention to Mrs Brown." Doug, the history teacher, walked up the stairs as fast as he could.

one shots ¦ alex turner [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now