Cuddles In The Kitchen

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—Humbug Alex

"Ingrid! Here you are, I've been looking for you everywhere!" Mia said, leaning on the locker beside Ingrid

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"Ingrid! Here you are, I've been looking for you everywhere!" Mia said, leaning on the locker beside Ingrid.

"Hey! What's up?" She said, closing her locker. She was holding a couple of books on her hands, pressing them against her chest.

"My parents are away, so I was thinking about having a small rendezvous and a sleepover at mine. Us, Katie, Heather and the boys."

"Which boys?"

"Our boys, you idiot! Alex, Matt, Jamie, Nick... The boys".

"Oh. And how come? I mean, normally they don't come to our sleepovers, so why this time?"

"I don't know, we've been friends for a long time so I thought it would be fun. Nothing special, actually". They started walking towards the exit, one next to another.

"Oh, cool. Count me in."

"Yes! Seven o'clock at my place, then. I'll send everyone the address via our group chat, check it out so you won't get lost".

"I've been to your place a thousand times, of course I know the way there, you stupid bitch!" She laughed, punching her friend's shoulder slightly.

"I beg your pardon?" Mia said, putting her hand on her chest and opening her mouth dramatically, giggling. "You know what, if you get lost I'm not gonna be the one who's going to look for you."

"Fine by me". Ingrid said, pretending to be hurt. In that moment, a tall and slim figure obstructed her walk, making her stumble. However, the boy was fast enough to grab her arm, preventing her from collapsing into the floor.

"Ingrid? Are you okay?" Alex, one of Ingrid's friends, said. His long, dark hair was falling in his eyes, covering them partially. He was wearing a plain and comfortable purple T-shirt and a denim jacket. A golden chain fell loosely in his chest, highlighting the features of his neck and Adam's Apple. On the other hand, his jeans were black and skinny, and he was wearing basic black shoes.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry." She turned around, hoping she would find her friend, but she didn't. Instead, she was standing a few metres away from her, talking to the boys. When Alex noticed this, he turned around, facing the group of people who were standing behind them.

In that moment, Mia dedicated a smirk to Ingrid, and leaned in to Matt's ear. He half smiled while she was whispering an unknown message to him, giggling. Then, the whole group started to walk away from scene, leaving Alex and Ingrid alone.

However, right before leaving, Mia offered Ingrid a smug grin and one of those winks that read: "You'll thank me later for this".

"It seems like you're stuck with me. Come on, I'll walk you home: you live near Matt's place and I'm spending the afternoon with him, anyway". He chuckled, brushing some locks away from his face. The truth was that, even though she was feeling a bit uncomfortable about the situation, that sentiment was bred by the race of butterflies inside Ingrid's stomach.

one shots ¦ alex turner [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now