Chapter 6-Louis

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Oh HAI! How are you doing today, my ever-few, ever-faithful fans?  Okay, this chappie is dedicated to omgniamisawesome 'cause I heart their story "I Can't Stop".  Go look it up if you like the darker side of love.  It's made me smile and cry, but it's really truly amazing.  Soo....NEW CHAPTER YEAH! Let's step back into Louis' life, see how he's doing.

Also guys, I need to know-how do you feel about Kadyn?  More Kadyn? Less Kadyn?  Or keep steady with the amount she's in the story now?  Please and thank you.

Anyhow, vote, comment, and as always, enjoy!)

Louis POV

The next morning, Louis scowled the moment he opened his eyes.  He was still seething from last night, seeing Harry and Niall all mushy together, they even kissed, right there in the open.  Louis was mad that Niall had gotten to Harry before Louis did, jealous of him for it, jealous because they were both open about their sexuality, and more than anything, Louis was mad at himself.

For giving a crap about a curly-haired boy he hadn't noticed until Niall had showed up. 

Even after an icy cold shower, Louis was still wallowing in his own anger and jealousy.  He needed to talk to someone.  No, not just anyone. 

He needed to talk to Kadyn.  As much as she weirded him out and didn't seem to care that much about his predicament, Louis knew she had been with Harry before the date; he had seen the two walking together, with Kadyn talking avidly and Harry nodding enthusiastically. 

The only problem was, Louis barely knew Kadyn, he didn't have her number or anything.  So he walked out, knowing one place where the little orange-haired fireball could be. 

He walked into the coffee shop and voila-there she was, her orange hair piled on top of her head with wisps and her bangs in her face, makeup smudged and faded, in cropped sweats, a wrinkled tee, and Chucks, and Micheal was sitting with her, staring at her like she was Lady of the Lake.  He had ditched his polo, nametag, and apron for regular clothes, and their were three other boys sitting with her.  She looked up at the door when Louis walked in, hearing the bell over the door jingle, and grinned and waved him over.  He walked over and took the spare chair she had pulled up between herself and a lanky blonde with a lip ring.  He was super uncomfortable, not only because everyone but Kadyn was staring at him, but because a) she had waved him over like they were best friends, and b) Micheal was looking between him and Kadyn, scowling. 

"Hey Lou, good to see you," Kadyn said, clapping him on the shoulder.  "You already know Micheal, but this is Luke, Calum, and Ashton." She pointed at each of them in turn.  The blonde was Luke, the darker complexioned handsome boy was Calum, and the fluffy-haired brunette with pretty eyes and pouty lips was Ashton.  "They're friends of Micheal's, and ergo, my friends."  She took a long sip of her coffee, and turned to Louis, oblivious to the foam all over her upper lip.  "I know that we aren't friends, despite the...association...with Harry, so I must ask what I can do for you." 

"Um, can we talk alone?" Louis asked, feeling everyone's eyes on him.  Kadyn rolled her eyes. 

"It's not like your situations a secret, Mikey has good hearing and was eavesdropping," Kadyn said, yanking Micheal's ear none too gently, "and most likely told everyone here.  Am I right boys?" The other three nodded, and Luke said "yep" sheepishly.

"Kadyn...please?" Louis said, and she raised an eyebrow at him.  She drained the rest of her coffee, kissed Micheal on the cheek, stood, and bid the boys aideu.  She then took Louis' arm and walked out. 

It was a bright, sunny day, and Kadyn pulled out oversized sunglasses and slid them on.  They were bordering on too big; if her features were any more delicate it would be too much accessory.  Everything Kadyn did and was seemed borderline or extreme: either a well-executed over the top or on the fringe of not a good idea. 

"So now that we are quote-unquote "alone", what can I do for you?" Kadyn reiterated. 

"I saw them," Louis said, his voice sounding like Eeyore.  Mopey and depressed, and that's exactly how Louis felt. 

"You mean the date?" Kadyn wondered, sounding like she already knew.  When Louis nodded, she sighed.  "I think you're a nice guy, Louis, but truth be told you are oblivious as all get out.  Harry has been into you since the first time you walked into your math class last year, and you've had all this time to notice, and when you finally do, it's only because Niall had taken Harry's attention."

"I'm not as comfortable being gay as he and Niall are," Louis said.  "So excuse me for not noticing someone making heart eyes at me while simultaneously trying to blend in with the bricks." 

Kadyn scowled at him.  "You need to stop acting like the victim in all this, Louis, it's seriously unnattractive.  You know there's no one to blame except yourself.  You're jealous?  Sucks.  You want Harry now that he's had a date with someone who actually expressed interest and flat-out asked him on a date?  Well, tough nipple titties, Louis Tomlinson!  Because here's the truth: YOU. ARE. TOO. LATE.  Honestly, if you don't get the prickly branch out of your ass and learn that your only chance is to befriend my curly-haired compadre, then I'd prefer him with Niall instead of YOU!"  She glared at him.

"How am I supposed to befriend the guy?" Louis snapped.  "He doesn't even know me!"

His head snapped to the side, along with a sound like a cracking whip.  The burning on his cheek along with Kadyn's hand made him realize that she had slapped him, hard. 

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME OR ANYTHING I'VE TOLD YOU?!" She yelled.  "HE KNOWS YOU! YOU ARE LOUIS FUCKING TOMLINSON!  ALL HE CARES ABOUT IS YOU!  EVERYONE KNOWS YOU, AND HE PROBABLY KNOWS YOU BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE, INCLUDING YOURSELF!"   She took a deep, rattling breath.  "If you ask him to hang out, or study, or get lunch, or even sit next to him, he'd be delighted to befriend you.  I'm not going to do this for you, Tomlinson, as much as I'd like to, because I'd be SO much better at it.  It's your sudden crush, you deal with it." 

"Fine, I'll befriend him.  Where would he be now?" Louis asked. 

Kadyn threw her hands up. "At home?  I'm not his keeper.  And you might want to hold off on the friendship until Monday, let him be happy about Niall for a little while longer before you confuse him and complicate things, because unless you are VERY careful, things will get complicated."  She saluted him, unlocked a vintage 1950's Schwinn bike from the rack, hopped onto the thick build of the bike, and with a "good luck", pedaled away. 

Louis turned away, staring at the road back towards his house, and with a resigning sigh, began trudging back home.  Befriend Harry Styles, shy boy extraordinaire.  Way easier said than done. 

An idea suddenly came to Louis, another idea he could execute while he befriended Harry.  He took a sharp left and started running, knowing exactly what he had to do. 

When he got to the corner, he patted his pockets and then turned around.  He was going to need his wallet if he wanted to do this.

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