Chapter 2-Harry

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(Not much to say here.  I might not be able to update for a while, because I'm off to my gran's.  Which means NO INTERNET. *Cries* I'm okay.  Anyway, enjoy.)

Harry POV

Harry Styles sighed as he watched Louis' back retreat into the lunchroom.  He felt like crying, especially when the pretty girl in the yellow practically skipped over to him and started talking avidly. 

Harry knew how it was.  He was nobody, and Louis was God's gift unto the human race.  So perfect...Harry sighed.  He knew that Louis was unnattainable, but that didn't stop him from wishing to be noticed.  To be wanted.  Although Louis was on his mind, at this point he would take anyone if it meant not having to be so lonely anymore. 

Gathering his books, he began trudging to Biology when someone slammed into him-two someones actually, he realized as he and the pair fell to the ground in a flurry of limbs, books and papers. 

"Oh SHIT," said a vaguely familiar voice.  "Is everyone okay? I am so sorry." 

"I'm good, all parts of my body are accounted for," said a new voice, thick with an Irish twang.  "You alright mate?" 

Harry looked up from his position to see two pairs of eyes studying him, one light blue and the other an intense stormy gray.  He recognized the gray eyes-the girl sat near him in Biology and was in a couple of his classes-and the blue eyes were attached to a cute blonde boy with brown roots and a wide smile. 

"Harry?" the girl said.  "You alright?" 

He nodded, stunned.  She knew his name; how?  No one noticed Harry.  He gathered his things, and she offered her hand and pulled him to his feet, dusting him off.  "Good as new.  I'm sorry about that, I was just showing Niall the way to Biology, and forgot to look where I was going." She gave a wry half-smile. 

"'s okay," Harry said softly.  "Wait...does this mean I get a lab partner?" 

The girl smiled and nodded, tossing her red-gold bangs away from her face, only to have them slide back over her eye.  "Yep.  Harry, this is Niall Horan, and in case you missed it, he's from Ireland.  Niall, this is Harry Styles.  I'd call him my friend, but I don't think he even remembers my name, but we don't talk much anyway." 

Niall grinned at Harry.  "Top o' the morning," he said, partly as a joke.  "In case you did forget her name, she's Kadyn.  She offered to show me around." 

Kadyn blushed.  "More like I was recruited, but whatever.  Now let's scat to Bio before the bell rings and Ms. Wharhal goes on the warpath.  She hates tardiness."  At that, Kadyn took one of their hands in hers, and they all bolted down the hallway, sliding into their seats just before the bell rang.  Niall took the only available seat next to Harry, and Kadyn sat next to some girl with braids. 

Harry stared at Kadyn as the teacher began babbling about Punnet squares.  Her hair was actually orange, obviously dyed, and tied into a pony with shorter layers falling around her ears and into her eyes.  There were an assortment of pens and pencils tucked into the base of her ponytail, creating what appeared to be a very haphazard peacock tail pattern.  Why had Harry never responded to her before?  She seemed cool. 


Harry turned.  Niall was casually sliding the notebook over to Harry.  In a messy scrawl it read is she really your friend?

No, Harry wrote back, she's talked to me before but I've never really said anything back. 

So it's true.

What's true?

That you have a crush on Kadyn.  You're staring at her, Harry, I bet she say yes if you asked her out. 

Harry had to stifle a laugh.  I'm not into Kadyn at all.  She's been really nice to me, one of the few people who even talks to me, but, not my type.  She's very...out there. 

Do you play for the other team?

His heart stopped.  How did he know?  Rather than asking, he asked quietly with wide eyes. 

Niall smiled a little.  No biggie dude, I won't tell if you don't want me to.  Don't worry about it anyway, I'm gay too. 


Totally, it wasn't a big deal at my old school.  You could ride a unicorn to class and most wouldn't bat an eye.  Harry laughed a little, covering his mouth so no one would look.  This Niall guy was very cool, and Harry hoped that he as well as Kadyn would remain friends with him. 

After class Niall and Kadyn fell into step with Harry.  "Where do you go next?" Kadyn asked both of them.  "I have history," she stuck her tongue out in distaste, revealing a stud glinting on the tip. 

"Math," they both said. 

Kadyn wrinkled her ski-jump of a nose.  "Uck, I hate math. Good luck to both of you, I'll see you," she waved and turned left into another hall. 

Niall shook his head.  "She's a firecracker, isn't she?" 

Harry nodded.  "I suppose so, that orange hair with that personality should come with a warning.  She's cool though, it's not like she's mean or nasty." 

Niall nodded.  "True...can I ask you a crazy question?" 

Harry shrugged, gesturing for Niall to go ahead. 

"Feel free to say no...but would you like to see a movie or go to dinner or something Friday?  I would like to get to know you, Harry, and I figured I might as well say something." 

Harry was shocked.  No one had taken an interest in him before, so this stopped him short.  "Um-I-uh-I mean-yes," Harry stuttered out, causing a sunny grin to break out on Niall's face. 

"Awesome," Niall said earnestly as they walked into their math classroom.  Louis was already there, laughing with his friend.  Harry took his seat, and Niall sat next to him, which made Harry happy,  The seat next to him was always perpetually empty, so having someone next to him made him smile. 

Class started, and he and Niall worked together on the homework, unaware for once of Louis, who kept glancing at him, feeling strangely jealous. 

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