Chapter 14-Harry

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(Oh HAI! Greetings from the big apple! That's right, lovelies, I'm in NEW YORK CITY! Even though this is supposed to be vacation, I love you guys, and heart the support you all give me, so what the hey, I'll update. ONWARD!)

Harry was shaking. Shaking so hard he was practically vibrating, and in a way that had nothing to do with the cold.

He was meeting Louis' family today. He had been excited, but Harry, being the shy anxious person he never wanted to be but was anyway, had worked himself into a nervous frenzy as the night wore on. Now, it was 8:30 am, and Harry was exhausted from lack of sleep and panicky from the impending event of this afternoon. Unsure of what to do, he did the only thing he could think of. He dialed Kadyn.

After listening to the ringing, thinking it was about to go to voice mail, someone picked up, but it wasn't Kadyn. "Kadyn's phone, this better be an emergency." The voice was dry, groggy, and clearly unhappy.

Harry pulled the phone away from his ear and stared at it as if it would tell him who was on the other end. "Um, i-it's Harry, Harry Styles. Is Kadyn there?"

"Oh, hey," said the voice, sounding gentler. "Sorry, Harry, I picked up before I looked at the I.D. It's Michael, I grabbed it so Kadyn wouldn't wake up, you know how it is when she's cranky. She made it clear last night she wasn't going to wake up for anything. But what's the issue?"

"I-I'm meeting Lou's family to-today, and I was hoping she could give me a confidence boost. I-I-I'm r-really nerv-v-vous, and K-Kadyn's good at calming me down," he explained, praying Michael wouldn't laugh at him.

Instead, he heard shuffling. He heard Michael's hushed whisper of "it's nothing, babe, go back to sleep, it's just Harry." Then there was a very tired version of Kadyn's voice responding "Michael, sweetie, it's never just when it's Harry. I know he needs me, gimme the damn phone." More shuffling. Then, there was Kadyn saying "What's the deal, Harry? It better be good, because it's 8:30 and I had no intention of waking up for another three point five hours."

"You weren't going to get up until noon?" Harry asked, wondering how the girl got up at all on school days.

"Duh, it's Christmas break. First day I sleep until noon, make hot cocoa and deliver some to the shop for them to sell since it's better than their recipe, hire my neighbor to shovel my driveway, and then sit in my pjs all day with a blanket and coffee enjoying the snow from the comfort of my chair. This time, I've got Michael with me."

"Kadyn, did he spend the night?"


"You SLEPT with him?!"

"Heavens to mergetroid, Curly, not in that sense! Yes, I was sleeping with him next to me, but I'm not sleeping with him, he just spent the night!"

Harry blushed. He could see Kadyn, in an oversize tee hanging off her shoulder and pajama pants sagging to reveal the edge of her panties, nothing on her face except leftover smudges from yesterday's makeup, hair flat and clumped up on top of her head in a bun, with that rare expression of embarrassment on her face. He knew her so well it was ridiculous.

"Whatever, now what's the matter? Remember you called me in a panic, yeah?"

"Right," Harry blushed again, chewing on his thumbnail as the panic started to rise in him again. "Well, Louis asked me to be his boyfriend yesterday, and-"

"That's wonderful, Harry, if you're panicking over that I will personally have to text my hand to you just to smack you upside the head."

"Kadyn," Harry said, trying to get his point across. "He wants me to meet his family today, and I'm stressing because I'm scared. What if they don't like me? What if I stutter too much or get quiet because of how shy I am? What if they don't approve of their son being gay, or don't think I'm good enough for him? I just got him, Kadyn, I don't want to lose him!"

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