Chapter 3-Louis

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(Oh HAIIII! How are we all doing today? I don't have much to say, other than I'm BA-AAACK! I'm home again with internet. How much did you miss me? I know you missed me, but how much? Okay, I'm not that important. Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to Laurie 17-33 because she was the first to comment on this book. Thanks for the encouraging word, love. Sooooo, read on, vote, comment, and most importantly (duhg) enjoy!)

(P.S. pic on the side is Kadyn)

Louis frowned, as the boy who had been on his mind since first landing eyes on him entered his math classroom. Okay, what? Louis could swear that he had not been here the day before. It's like, now that he was in Louis' head, he was showing up everywhere. Wasn't there a horror movie where the killer or monster only showed up because the main character was thinking about it? The Babadook, maybe (A/N that's actually a real horror movie, check it out if you like horror, it's pretty creepy). Whatever. But this boy stuck out to Louis for a reason; this tall gangly beanpole was so freaking pretty. He kind of could use a haircut, but those luscious curls...Louis just wanted to tangle his hands in them. And the wow. Louis could easily see himself getting lost in those eyes, pulling on those curls, kissing those lips...

Whoa whoa whoa, Tomlinson! Louis shouted at himself. You don't even know this guy. Back your tractor up, put it in park, and slow the hell down. Maybe you should try figuring out his name first, or you know, something BESIDES how amazing it would feel to kiss him...I wonder if he wears lip balm, or if his lips are naturally like that...and again, Tommo, back up.

A boy with blonde hair entered the room and sat next to the pretty boy. Louis felt himself stiffen, because blondie and pretty boy were chatting it up. Like majorly. Laughing and smiling, like they were the only two people in the room. When pretty boy gave a shy grin to blondie, dimples popped up on either side of his cheeks. The part of Louis' mind that was already imagining about doing things to pretty boy imagined running his fingers along the grooves of his dimples. So tacky yet so freaking tempting.

The bell rang, and the teacher breezed in, harriedly passing back the test from last week. Louis swallowed, worried to see his grade. His hands shook as he reached to pick up the test, and breathed a sigh of relief. He had passed, with a decent B-. He would take that and be glad. He looked up to see pretty boy peeking at his test, then grinning again. He turned the paper all the way over and showed blondie, making the other smile as well. Who was the new guy?

"Class, meet Niall Horan. He just moved here from Ireland, and I expect all of you to make him feel welcome," the teacher said, gesturing to blondie, who waved shyly at the class before turning back to pretty boy.

"Niall, Harry, over here? I'm actually teaching, pay attention," the teacher snapped at the pair. Niall obediently turned toward the front but pretty boy-Harry, apparently-rolled his eyes before pulling out his notebook.

Harry. Louis glanced over him between notes. Fitting, so very fitting. The boy was hunched over his notebook, the dark hair flopping into his eyes, even though Harry constantly pushed it away from his forehead and tried to tuck it behind his ear. Niall brushed away a lock, and Harry blushed. Louis' fist clenched. Even though Niall had done nothing wrong, Louis felt like Niall was touching something that wasn't his. Why didn't Harry blush when he looked at Louis?

As if on cue, Harry's eyes flicked over to Louis, causing his cheeks to color even darker. Louis offered Harry a smile, but Harry turned back to his notebook before the smile had made it's way across Louis' face. Scowling, Louis turned back to his homework.

When the bell rang, Louis tried to get out of class quickly so he could catch Harry alone and talk to him, even if he had no idea what to say, but Harry and Niall were gone before Louis could even put away his notebook. Walking outside, Louis saw the pair talking to a girl with gold-orange hair and a pension for eyeliner. She was pretty, in a different and eccentric way, and Louis couldn't help but wonder if either Harry or Niall was into her. They told her something, and her hands covered her mouth for a moment before shaking her finger at Niall and throwing the two a wink. She appeared to be flirting with both of them, so it was hard to tell if she held an interest in either of them. As the two walked away, the girl threw a couple things in her locker, stuck the pencil she had into the base of her pony, adding to the collection already in her hair, and saw Louis staring at her. She closed her locker, and walked right over to him.

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