Bonus Chapter-Kadyn

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(Hey, all. First I wanna thank all you faithful readers, voters, commenters, and recent followers. You guys are knocking my socks off; I never knew this book would be so popular! So today is my birthday-or the day after, depending on when you see this/when it gets posted-and even though it's traditional for me to get presents, I want to give all of you a present. It's time to learn what Kadyn's story is, just a little one-shot for funsies. Plus aside from the boys, Kadyn is my favorite character, I'd like to give her some more depth. Plus this will help clarify some things for the book later; at least they should if it gets written the way I want to. So enjoy, guys!)

My name is Kadyn. Self-made vigilante, future fashion designer, and current pawn in the chaos my friends are going through. I never meant to be a part of it, but it all started on a seemingly harmless day.

It was a normal morning for me. I nearly broke my alarm trying to turn it off, yanked on the clothes hanging on my doorknob in record time, made sure my homework was already sorted and in my bag, and then went to the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup.

Did it make me a vain, shallow narcissist to spend the majority of my morning routine turning my hair into perfectly sculpted layers and my face into a war paint worthy mask? Of course it did, but I didn't care about that. I wanted to look a certain way, and I would put in the work to do so.

After the ordeal was over, I microwaved some bacon, stuffed it in a Ziploc, and hopped on my vintage Schwinn. Pedaling like I was being chased by a rabid dog, I made it to school in record time, without a single strand of hair being out of place. Praise Fredrick Fekkai for making flexible hold hairspray. I threw things in and out of my locker with reckless abandon, and walked into my homeroom. Heidi, the girl who sat next to me, offered me a handful of the frosted flakes she had in a Tupperware in exchange for three pieces of bacon, so we exchanged and chatted until the bell rang. The teacher walked in, his hand on the shoulder of an uncomfortable looking boy with brown/blond hair and unusually straight teeth. My teeth were the same due to braces, so I was guessing he had them at a certain point.

"Class, this is Niall Horan, our new student who moved here from Ireland. Since he's unfamiliar with the school, I need someone to be his guide for the day." His eyes began to drift over the class, and I gnawed on my bacon, trying to look inconspicuous. Which is really hard to do with hair like mine, even when it's pulled back in a ponytail. His eyes narrowed as he saw me, and I glared back, refusing to cower under his gaze.

"Very well, Kadyn. Thank you for volunteering," he said, giving Niall a push towards me. I hate my homeroom teacher. Hate him hate him hate him.


"So Biology?" I asked, meeting Niall at the halfway point between his music class and my studio art class. I had managed to get all the dried paint off of me before class had ended, which was nice. The last time it had been red pain all over my arms and face, and Zayn Malik had asked me if I had been mauled by a bear. I think he was kidding, but his tone made it sound like he was being a douche, so I had punched him in the gut. He hates me now. "I have that class too, so let's go."

We rushed down the halls, since biology was on the other side of the building. We had gained so much momentum, in fact, that I didn't see the person we crashed into until we tumbled to the ground and ended up in a mass of hair and bookbag tangles.

After we had cleaned ourselves off and made sure everyone had all parts of their body accounted for, I realized I had crashed into Harry Styles. He was an alright guy, but the poor gangly tall boy was so shy he nearly chameleoned to the walls. Thinking he could use a friend besides me (and I didn't really count), I introduced him to Niall.

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