Chapter 4-Harry

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(Oh HAI!  Lovely to all again I guess?  Curse my solitude and unawareness of who is seeing this. Ahaahahahahahaha....yeah.  Well, anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, 'cause I like it (even if it is a little Kadyn-heavy).  Thinking about making a short little spin-off of Kadyn's story after this book is done, because trust me, she's more than comic relief and a side character, I promise! Let me know how you feel about that, thanks oodles and caboodles.

Anywhores, this chapter is dedicated to LouisTwinklinson because her Larry stories are invaluably amazing.  You like extreme slash and maybe some mpreg? (SHUT UP PEANUT GALLERY).  Take a look at hers, you won't regret it.

Okay, the usual.  Read, vote, comment, and of course, enjoy.


It was Friday, school had ended, and Harry was sitting on his bed, trying not to hyperventilate while Kadyn was in his closet, tossing things around in reckless abandon while her butt was shaking to the beat of the music she had put on. 

"Do you even know where he's taking you?" Kadyn shouted over the music.  She was so deep into Harry's walk-in closet all Harry could see was her sculpted, voluminous orange hair. 

"No, he said "to dinner or a movie or something", but today he said it was a surprise," Harry yelled back.  Kadyn's hair bobbed-nodding maybe?-and vanished.

"Harry Edward Styles! Turn that music down!" Harry's mother, Anne, walked in with her hands over her ears.  Harry walked over to the speakers, but had no idea how to work them.  Kadyn abruptly appeared by his side and twisted one of the dials down until it was no more than background noise.  "Sorry about all the noise, Ms. Cox," she said with a sweet smile. 

"Oh, Kadyn, hello," Anne said cheerfully.  Good thing for Harry that Anne absolutely adored Kadyn, and since everyone was aware about everyone's sexuality, she was allowed over whenever and could stay as long as she wanted.  Plus Harry needed a friend, even one as zany and vibrant as Kadyn.  "What are you doing here, sweetheart?"

"Helping Harry get ready for his date," Kadyn said, her eyebrows waggling suggestively.  Harry had already told his mum about Niall and the date, so this came as no shock to Anne. 

"Alright, carry on, but please do keep the music down and try not to make too much of a mess, alright?  There's some soda and snacks downstairs if you want them brought up."

"I'll take a soda, Ms. Cox, but I'm not hungry.  Want anything, Harry?" he shook his head. 

"Alright, I'll grab that for you.  And sweetie, call me Anne!  Such a good friend of Harry's is family here."

Once Anne rushed away, Kadyn smiled.  "Your mum is cool," she said blandly, kicking the music back up a notch. 

"As far as mums go, she's pretty good," Harry said.  He was glad for his mum.  Without her, Harry wouldn't have had anyone to talk to for years.

Kadyn nodded in agreement, walking back into the closet.  "Are you actually going to help me or not?" she called back to Harry, clothes of every kind draped over her shoulders.  

"You said you didn't want my help," Harry said, his brows knitting together.  

"Just making sure we're still on the same page," Kadyn retorted, taking the can of Diet Coke from Anne, who sent the two a warm smile before disappearing down the hall.  Taking a long, cleansing sip, she set the can on the end table and grinned.  "If I didn't know better, I'd say your mom would love us as a couple.  Good thing she already interrogated me to  the point where she knows about Michael."  Adding an eye-roll of extreme proportions-almost everything she did was over the top or extreme, it was just who she was-she flounced back to the closet and tossed a shirt at Harry.  It landed on his head.  

"Chop chop, Harry, Niall will be here in 45 minutes and I have to make sure you're so fabulicious he'll want to jump you," Kadyn scolded, heaving a pair of jeans and another shirt at him.  "MOVE!" she tease-shouted when Harry still didn't move.  After another still moment, she sighed, stepped into the closet, and shut the door behind her. "Open the door when you're done," she yelled, her voice muffled by the wood.  

At that, Harry tore his sweats off and speed-dressed as quickly as someone who was getting into super skinny jeans could.  How did Kadyn wear pants like this all the time?  All she seemed to own were skinnies of every wash, style, and color.  The only way Harry could get them on was by doing a very interesting dance that involved a lot of wriggling and yanking.  Once they were on, the tee and dark button up Kadyn had thrown at him were much easier.  He opened the closet door and Kadyn stepped out, scrutinizing him from every angle until she nodded, satisfied.  

"How was the dance?" she asked.

"What?" Harry said, confused.  

"You know, the dance you do when you put on your skinny jeans," she said.  "I am an expert of the dance, since it's all I wear.  I have to lie on my back and elevate my arse before pulling them on, especially these," she gestured to her ripped skinnies, which fit her so well they looked like they had been spray-painted on.  "Now c'mon, I'm fixing your hair,"she said, dragging him into the bathroom.  

"What's wrong with my hair?" Harry wondered, running his hands through it.  She sighed.  

"Aside from the fact that you have curly hair that actually looks good, nothing really, I'm just going to make it even better," she said.  "I have naturally curly hair, I used to have to abuse it before I got it professionally straightened and dyed."  She reached into her bag-which was in the bathroom-and pulled out a couple bottles of hair product along with a comb.  "Now sit," she said, gesturing to the desk chair she had wheeled into the bathroom 30 seconds after walking in the door.  

Harry reluctantly sat down, so his head was level with Kadyn's shoulders, an affect that was usually reversed when standing.  Although Kadyn was a lot of personality, she was pretty small in comparison with Harry's 5'10".  He let his mind wander while Kadyn worked her way through his tangled hair.  He wondered what Niall had planned for their date.  Niall was such a sweetheart, Harry knew he'd do something special.  It didn't matter to Harry, as long as he got to be with Niall...unless Louis was an option. 

Harry winced, and it had nothing to do with the knot Kadyn had just yanked her comb through.  Why was he thinking of Louis right now, when he was about to go out with a sweet, handsome boy?  One who actually played for his team and everything?  Why was Louis always so important?

Maybe because he was everything Harry had ever wanted and more.  Someone who could be a friend but had the potential to be more.  Athletic, smart, pretty, kind, worthy of the kind of attention Harry wanted to give him. 

But for now he had Niall.  More than a friend from the second they met.  He had Kadyn, who was yanking at the comb stuck in his hair and cursing.  Purely platonic.   Then there was Louis, who had never even really looked at Harry. 

Wincing again as Kadyn yanked the comb out of his hair, Harry stared at his hands and swallowed back tears he didn't really have a reason for producing.

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