Chapter 15-Louis

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Louis laughed as Harry blew him a kiss and danced into his house.  He laughed on how Harry slipping in the snow and falling into Louis, who caught him, had turned into an improvised dance routine and long, lingering kiss.  His lips still felt fuzzy and tingly, like his blood had become carbonated from Harry's lips on his, refusing to break apart and breathing in each other's exhalations.  Now that Louis and Harry had finally parted ways, Louis realized how much easier it was to breathe, a lot less forced and more natural, much like the way he had twirled Harry under his arm, despite the boy being taller.  It had looked so natural, Harry's gangly form looking one hell of a lot more graceful when in fluid motion like that.

Realizing his was still standing on the walk up to Harry's house, grinning like a fool, Louis turned on the heel of his soaked sneakers and meandered back towards his house.  He realized he had no desire to go home.  So making a one-eighty, he started walking towards the coffee shop. 

He walked in, crashing at a booth, and laid his head on the countertop.  Walking in the cold made him tired.  He wondered if the hot chocolate here was any good. 

As if answering his question, the bell above the door chimed, and in walked Kadyn, carrying an enormous water holder.  Michael followed, looking almost peeved.  Every time he tried to take the cooler from Kadyn, she fended him off with her elbow. 

"YO!" Kadyn shouted so loud Louis swore the floor shook.  "David if you wanna sell my hot chocolate you better get it and put it in the heater thingy now!"  A skinny guy wearing glasses that were all fogged up from the steam, took the water cooler from Kadyn and dumped it into a machine, and it hissed.  Kadyn linked hands with Micheal when she saw Louis, and marched over and slid into the booth, dragging Michael along like a child. 

"So," she said in lieu of "hello", "you should try some of my hot cocoa, it's a great way to beat this cold and it's totally banging." 

Michael nodded, smiling at Kadyn's blunt commentary.  "I agree, it is quote-unquote "banging", and it's freezing out." 

Louis nodded, lifting his head off the table to smile at the pair.  Kadyn looked like a snow angel from hell, with her vibrant hair stuffed into a sparkly white beanie with a pom-pom on it, white fluffy scarf tucked into a black coat, black and gray gloves, black jeans, black and white chucks, silvery eyeliner, white fluffy earmuffs hanging around her neck, her skin pale aside from flushed cheeks, snow dusting her hair and clothes.  Michael had his arm around her, his army green jacket and reverse skunk hair wet, chunks of snow and slush dripping off them.  Louis raised an eyebrow in question, and Michael sighed.  "She pelted me with snowballs when I offered to carry the cooler.  Somehow she managed to keep a steady hold on it and nail me repetitively with hard packed snow." 

"And you're dating her because?" Louis prompted.  Kadyn flipped him off and snuggled into Michael's shoulder, her head bobbing as he shrugged.

"Love doesn't discriminate, and hell, I don't know.  I guess I find semi-evil, eyeliner-addicted, devious, clever, "I'll-put-my-friends-before-myself-regardless-of-the-situation-now-piss-off-Michael-goddammit" girls attractive slash adorable." 

"Clearly," Kadyn quipped.  "I mean, I could ask you why you're dating Harry, but you would probably give me the same answer." 

"It's different," Louis said defensively. He really hoped Kadyn wouldn't question it, because in all honesty, he loved Harry for Harry, but the reasons behind it felt different.  Stronger, more intense in some way but Louis was clueless as to how to put it.

Luckily, Kadyn wasn't listening.  Unluckily, Michael was, and said "how?"

Louis pressed his lips together, trying to find a way to explain it.  "Well...uh...did you like Kadyn the moment you saw her?"

Michael thought for a moment then shook his head.  "I thought she was pretty, and she seemed cool, but I didn't have any romantic feelings for her until I got to know her."  Kadyn smiled prettily up at him, and he turned red. 

"It wasn't like that for Harry.  Granted I didn't notice him right off the bat, but when I did, I just felt this pull, like if I didn't get close to him I'd regret it for all eternity.  Call me dumb all you want, but it was love at first sight, I just wouldn't admit it for the longest time.  Weirdest thing is, the more I spend time with him the more reasons I find to love him."

"I don't think that's strange at all, Lou," Kadyn said, sitting up.  She had a rabbity look in her eyes, excited and maybe even a little scared.  "I mean, Michael gave me plenty of reason to like him when we got to know each other, but as I spend time with him, I find more reasons, and grow to love him even more.  But you loved Harry from the moment you noticed him, and yet can still love him more with each passing day.  That's one in a million, Louis.  Don't take it for granted." 

"I won't," Louis said, waving goodbye to the colorful pair.  He went home feeling good, his mind firmly set on enjoying what he had with Harry. 

That good feeling got way less good when he got home, to find Liam and Zayn waiting, looking concerned. 

"Louis, we have to talk to you," Liam said.  Zayn nodded.

His brow furrowed.  "Why?  What's going on?"

Zayn licked his lips and sighed before speaking.  "There's been an accident." 

Louis' heart stopped.  "Who?"  he managed to croak out. 

Liam stood.  "I'm so sorry, Louis...but Niall and Harry were on their way to the mall to shop, and a driver skidded in the snow.  Hit the car head-on." 

Louis snapped.  Grabbing Liam's shirt, he dragged his friend closer to him.  "Where are they?" he growled. 

"The hospital.  Louis you should know that Harry-"

"Take me there.  Now."

The three left without argument. 

Once Zayn's truck wheels-complete with ice chains on the tires-rolled onto the hospital's parking lot, Louis unbuckled, kicked open the door, and jumped out.  He ran with blind ambition to the receptionist, gave both names, and flew down the hall to the room. 

Once there, he saw Harry sitting in a chair, wincing as a doctor finished putting stitches on a cut on his cheek.  There were also ones on his forehead, but otherwise he was okay.  Louis felt cold with relief as he tugged his boyfriend to his feet and wrapped his arms around him. 

Harry sniffled.  Louis held him close and murmured, "Shh, it's alright, love, you're okay, it's okay, everything's okay." 

"But-but Niall-" Harry hiccuped.

"What's the matter?" Louis said, dread returning to his bones.  Although he and the blonde Irish boy weren't on the best of terms, Niall was Harry's friend, and had been fair in his treatment of Louis. 

"He-he won't wake up," Harry blubbered. 

"Haz, Curly, love, tell me what's wrong," Louis said in the most soothing tone he could muster. 

Harry looked at him, eyes red and puffy.  "Niall's in a coma, Louis." 

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