Chapter 5-Harry

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(Hi all, I hope all is well in your world, because in my world things are a little weird, but alright.  So, as you maybe have noticed, this is a Harry chapter instead of a Louis chapter like it would be if I stuck to my own pattern.  Normally it would be, and I considered such, but I feel like the story would progress better if we had Harry's point of view back to back, so we could see how it works with Niall and Harry's date (even though I have a feeling everyone is guessing it will not turn out well), so read on to see.

Vote comment, and as always, enjoy.)

Harry swallowed uneasily as Kadyn fussed over every last detail of his face, hair and clothes.  She had nearly panicked when she saw his eyes watering, cooing two seconds later over the fact that "they were tears of joy and excitement".  Harry let her believe that, he didn't feel the need to explain that his tears were real sadness, a sadness he didn't care to unveil or explain.  Besides, he wasn't entirely sure where and how to start. 


Harry's heart tried to leap out of his throat and out of his body right then and there.  He turned to Kadyn, who was grinning.  "How do I look?"

"Adorable, just calm down, your eyes are wide as saucers," Kadyn said, giving him a reassuring hug before pulling the tails of his shirt down one last time.  "Now go get him tiger," she teased, giving him a small push towards the stairs. 

Harry took the steps two at a time, hearing his mum say "come in dear, you must be Niall.  Harry will be down any second."

When he made it down the steps, he regained his composure and stepped out into the entryway, to see Niall standing there in all his sunny glory, dressed in a polo and slim-fitting jeans, his hair styled and smile wide. "Hey," he said, his grin growing so wide Harry thought his head would split open.  He returned the goony smile, he couldn't help it. 

"Hi," Harry said softly.  Even though he and Niall hadn't been able to shut up around each other all week, suddenly he wanted to crawl into his shell again.  He was so nervous, his stomach was in knots. 

"Well, I was going to stick around and see what happened, but my English homework isn't going to do itself and I have a Skype call with Michael in an hour, so you guys have fun." Kadyn busted into the room, slinging her cartoon pack over her shoulder.  "Later, boys.  See you, Anne," she sang, and was out the door in a flash. 

"We should go, mum," Harry said.  "I've got my phone if you need me."

"Please don't need him," Niall said, pulling Harry out the door.  Once they were in Niall's car, a sleek silver Mercedes, Niall tied a blindfold over Harry's eyes without warning. 

"Hey!" Harry protested, trying to wriggle out of the cloth that was being pulled over his eyes. 

"Sorry, Harry, but it's a surprise," Niall's voice said from somewhere behind him. 

"Do I need to blind for it?" Harry wondered aloud. 

"If I want it to be a complete surprise, which I do, then yes," Niall said, sitting Harry down so he was facing front (supposedly), and buckled him in. 

"What if I don't like it?  Being able to see would help if I managed to guess what this date will be beforehand and warn you if I don't like it," Harry said, partly because it was true but mainly to get out of the damn blindfold. 

"Sorry, Harry, but you will suffer tonight," joked Niall, as he put the car in gear and started driving. 

"I feel like I'm being kidnapped," Harry pouted, crossing his arms. 

"Oh stop, Harry," Niall scolded.  Harry could almost hear him rolling his eyes. 

Before too long, the car stopped as Niall presumably pulled into a parking spot.  "Okay, Mister Grouchy Pants, you can take off your blindfold." 

Harry pulled it off and blinked his vision into focus.  What he saw pleased him.  They were at the park, near the fountain Harry loved, and Niall had spread out a blanket decorated with an assortment of food.  Niall offered his hand to Harry after they stepped out, and Harry gladly took it. 

Even though the gesture of the picnic was sweet times ten, Harry thought it was cliche.  He would never say so to Niall-especially after Niall pulled out a container of chocolate covered strawberries-but he wasn't a fan of picnics as dates, they were in every romance novel ever. 

"So what's your favorite color?" Niall asked Harry after swallowing a bite of a PB&J sandwich. 

"Orange," Harry said.  "Yours?"

"Blue," Niall said. 

"I like blue, especially blue eyes," Harry offered, and Niall flushed and smiled.  He did have really pretty eyes, blue with little gold flecks in them, like glittery nail polish.  The only reason Harry thought of the comparison was because of Kadyn's silver glitter-infused black nail polish, but it was an apt comparison nonetheless.  Niall's eyes were similar to Louis'...ugh, why did Louis have to pop into Harry's mind while on his date? Niall was amazing, and the way he looked at Harry, with so much adoration, it made Harry want to impress him. 

Even though Harry reminded himself of that several times, he kept thinking of Louis.  How Louis had such pretty eyes that were super similar to Niall's, how Niall's brown and blond hair was nothing like Louis' honey colored messy mop, how Louis was tan, toned and muscular from football whilst Niall was fair- skinned and softer in body.  Niall was beautiful in a lighter, more delicate way, and even though Harry irrevocably loved Louis, he was attracted to Niall as well. 

"That was really good," Harry shyly complimented after the food was gone, smiling at Niall as they scooched to sit next to each other.  "For some reason, your PB&J skills surpass the normal person." 

"You really think so?" Niall wondered, fixing his eyes on Harry.  Harry nodded.

 "I'll have to cook for you sometime, my mum says I'm a great cook," Harry said.  Niall grinned. 

"Awesome," Niall said.  "Oh, Harry, you have some chocolate right there," he said, lifting his thumb and wiping away a smudge on his bottom lip.  After he did, his thumb lingered below Harry's lips, and Harry could feel his heartbeat pick up when Niall's gaze floated to his lips, and he leaned in. 

Harry closed the distance by leaning forward, and their lips met.  It was wonderful, slow and sweet, and just felt so right.  Harry had never kissed anyone before, and as far as first kisses go, it was top-notch. 

Niall drove Harry home, bidding him goodbye with another lingering kiss, and Harry went to bed grinning. 


Louis scowled, as he watched Harry kiss Niall.  He had been taking a walk to clear his head, whilst rolling Kadyn's comment around in his head, and saw the two of them on a date.  So freaking precious.  It pissed Louis off.  How was he going to get Harry's attention if that Niall guy was with him? ARGH...

(So the date went well, but Louis isn't pleased.  Any thoughts?  Comments? Concerns?  Also, how would you lovely people feel about a short little spin off for Kadyn?  Get her view on what's going on? Kthxbai!)

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