Chapter 11-Louis

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(Oh HAI! What's up, gang?  First off, let me say how happy I am of the love you guys are giving this story!  The votes and comments and reads-it's the most attention I've ever gotten, and I'm so happy you guys like the story! So thank you oodles and caboodles! 

Anyway, this weeks dedication goes to Leeds_2011 because their comments and votes on the chapter are very enthusiastic, thanks for the support! 

Anywhores, enough chitchat, we have a story to progress.  ONWARD!)

Louis sighed.  He was so tired of hiding out in his room, but he didn't know what else to do with himself.  To embarrassed to face Harry and too afraid to face the rest of the school in case the word of his confession had spread, all Louis could do was lie on his bed, have his IPod blasting every angry, brain-numbing song it had into Louis' head through earbuds, think about how stupid he was, and pray for a miracle or the apocalypse, whichever came first. 

And BAM Louis' bedroom door burst open, revealing Zayn and Liam, who for some reason, had Harry in between them.  Then he was unceremoniously shoved into Louis' room from behind, revealing none other than Kadyn, who seemed to be around every time Louis was about to orchestrate some sort of affair of anything between Harry and himself.  "No one leaves until you four talk this out," she commanded, slamming the door behind her. 

"Uh..." was all Louis could think of to say, since he was: a) super embarrassed to see Harry, b) super confused as to why Zayn and Liam were a part of this, and c) still processing what was going on, letting the already tense awkward silence stretch on. 

"Oh boy," Liam said, pinching his nose.  "Is no one going to make this easy?"  The silence stretched on.  "Okay, then.  Kadyn dragged us to the coffee shop, where Harry as well as Michael, Luke, Ashton, and Calum were.  We were all recruited to try and help Harry here.  Harry likes you, Lou, but Niall had shown up unexpectedly, heard the whole story, and I guess sort of dumped Harry, and since the only reason he did was because Harry has feelings for you as well as him, we were then forced to come here and talk this out.  Why Zayn and I are part of this is beyond me, but I figured I might as well explain this."

Zayn knocked on the door, "Kadyn, let us out, Liam and I are not a part of this." 

Kadyn stuck her head through the door.  "Good point, get out here and help me guard the door."  She yanked them out of the room, slamming the door again behind her. 

Louis sat up, staring at his hands, shoulders slumped.  When he finally found the courage to look at Harry, he found that the curly-haired boy looked no better than he did, with his lips set in a pale, thin line, his hair matted, bags under his eyes, his bloodshot eyes focused on his shoes.  Oh Haz...Louis thought...what have I done to you? 

Licking his lips, he let out a sigh.  "I'm sorry, Hazza." 

Harry's head snapped up, surprise evident on his pale visage.  "What?  Why?  I'm the one who should be sorry, Lou-Lou.  I mean, I didn't realize you had feelings for me, and I got so defensive when you brought up Niall.  I should have handled it better."

"You've got nothing to be sorry for, Harry.  I was the one who reacted poorly, like a jealous boyfriend, when you already have Niall, and I need to learn that while the two of you are together, I have to be nothing more than a friend to you." 

Harry walked over and sat next to Louis on the bed.  "Niall left, Louis.  He's pissed that I would even consider leaving him for you, even though I didn't know what I wanted."

Louis' heart fluttered.  Niall was out of the picture?  "You and Niall aren't dating anymore?"

Harry shrugged, his eyes casting down again.  "I guess not.  I don't really know." 

Swallowing, Louis summoned his courage and tilted Harry's chin so he was looking at Louis.  "Don't blame yourself for this, Hazza.  It's not your fault.  I think Niall's being a little irrational, he didn't give you a chance to explain yourself." 

"I tried to, but-you know how I am when I g-get nerv-vous.  I-I stutter and w-words comet- out wrong-and I d-don't a-al-always know what to say." 

"Why are you nervous now?"  Louis asked.

"B-because you're st-staring at m-me and I don't know why," he said, biting his lip. 

That was it for Louis.  He had been staring at Harry for a long time, and even exhausted, the boy was beautiful.  The scrape of his teeth against his bottom lip brought Louis' attention to his mouth, and he was leaning in before logic could come in and stop him. 

Just as his lips were about to touch Harry's trembling ones, Harry turned away.  "I can't," he said, so firmly Louis almost fell over backwards. 

"Why not?"  Louis asked confusedly.  Harry liked him, he liked Harry, Niall was no longer part of the picture.  Why couldn't they?

"Because I just lost Niall, who I did care about, less than an hour ago.  Now that it's over, do I go on the rebound?  With the object of my affection, but also the focus point of my problem?  I don't want to be that kind of guy, Louis.  I like you, a lot, but...this doesn't feel right.  I think it's best for both you and me if we just stay away from each other.  I need time to think, and I want to try to at least get Niall to hear me out about this." 

"After all this, you don't want to be anywhere near me?  I can't stay away from you, Harry, you know that.  You can't ask that of me."  Louis looked at Harry's face for a trace of doubt, but there was none. 

"I'm asking you to try, Louis.  I'll be keeping my distance.  If  I can figure this out, and make things more right, and then you still want us to be together, then I'd love to, but right now, this is time I need just for me."

At that, he knocked on the door, and Kadyn, seeing the tears in both their eyes but the resolve in Harry's face and the sadness in Louis', nodded, took Harry's hand, and let him out of the house.  Zayn and Liam each gave Liam a hug and sympathetic clap on the shoulder, and left. 

Louis feel back on his bed.  Even though Liam, Zayn, Harry, Kadyn, and even Michael, Calum, Luke, and Ashton were all looking out for him, he had never felt more alone. 

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