Chapter 18-Harry

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(Oh HAI!  Sorry I've been randomly gone for like ever, people, but I'm going to be real-college is very time consuming and I was at a major impasse for a while with our lovely story.  But, I'm back, I'm here, so let's continue our little story.

As always, read, comment, vote, and most importantly, enjoy!


Harry was lounging at home when he heard the familiar "shruk" noise of a key in the door.  He smiled, glancing at the clock.  Right on time as always. 

Louis stepped through the door, pulling the key out of the lock and sticking it back in his pocket.  After Christmas and the new year passed, Harry had gotten used to his boyfriend coming over around 4 just about every single day. 

"Hey, Haz," Louis said softly, pecking Harry on the nose and lifting his legs up to sit under them, allowing Harry to keep his feet in Louis' lap. 

"Hey, Lou-Lou," Harry responded, scooting closer so he was cuddled into Louis' side. 

"Listen, we need to talk," Louis said, making Harry's heart feel like it was hanging itself.

"WHAT? W-why?  Wha-what d-d-did I-I do wr-wrong?" Harry babbled out, internally wincing at his stupid nervous stutter.

"Whoa, Harry, calm down, I'm not breaking up with you, I'm sorry.  Calm down, okay?  I'm sorry, that came out wrong," Louis soothed his trembling boyfriend until the tears had delayed their takeoff. 

After Harry had calmed down and given Louis one of his small grins, he nodded at Louis to continue. 

"Okay, I know this is like months in advance, but do you know what very important thing happens in April?"

Harry thought for a moment. "Spring?"

"Well yes, but no, I'm talking about events."

"Kadyn's birthday? It's April 18th, and she's expecting a party, so far as she's trying to plan her own surprise party."

"Duly noted Haz, but we'll get back to that.  No, not your firecracker friend's birthday, think more school-oriented." 

Harry stared at him blankly.  "Prom, Haz, I'm talking about prom." 

"Oh," Harry said in a small voice.  "Awesome." 

"Don't bowl me over with your excitement," Louis teased, but took one look at Harry's face and knew this was not a joking matter.  "What's the matter, Haz?  You don't want to go to prom with me?"

Harry swallowed, and Louis watched his Adam's apple bob before he spoke. "Um...just that...I don't know, prom seems kind of lame.  Plus, before I met you, I sort of promised Niall I'd be his prom date if he doesn't have one."

Louis blinked.  "Niall wants to go with Liam, sweetie.  I was a) assuming you and I were going to prom, and b) Niall had told you about his interest in Li, but I was going to talk to you about ways we can get Liam to stop being so oblivious.  Since as you know from experience I suck at being a romantic..."

Harry burst out laughing. "Sorry Boobear, but that is only too true."

"...I was hoping you could come up with some ideas." 

Harry thought for a moment. "Hm...I'm not too good at this either, Lou, Niall asked me out back in the day and you and I just sort of fell together.  In all honesty, I think-"

"Don't say it," Louis groaned.

"That we should call-"

"God no."

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