Chapter 13-Louis

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(Oh HAI! How's everyone?  Me, I'm flat out exhausted.  It's after 4 am here but I'm up for some personal reasons-I'd tell all of you, but they're not my reasons to tell, but that's beside the point.  Point is, I'm awake late, and what better way to pass some time than write more of the story for you?
Anywhores, this chapter goes to Nightingalexoo for voting on all the chapters in one very short period of time.  Thank you!

So yeah, hopefully I will edit this before I post it, in case of any atrocious late night writing moments. ONWARD!)

Louis was so hurt.  Harry...his Harry...his Hazza had rejected him.  Everything Louis had to give him was thrown on the table, his heart laid out for Harry to take it, but he had left it there to gather dust and die.  And that was all Louis could feel-this pain, tightening in his chest and hammering on his heart. 

Both he and Harry had been in school, with Louis giving longing looks to Harry and Harry pressing his lips and shaking his head no.  Niall had been avoiding Harry like the plague, Zayn and Liam were exhausted from trying to console Louis, and who knew when the last time Kadyn had left the art studio was.  She had even stopped wearing makeup, allowing the weariness on her face to show.  She had once collapsed in the hallway, and Michael had carried her to the nurses' office.  She was fine, they just let her sleep the rest of the day.  That was the only positive to the web that connected everyone.  Kadyn and Michael were an item, and seemed blissfully content with one another, despite the stress and exhaustion they felt from tending to everyone. 

Maybe it was selfish, but Louis still thought he had a right to feel sorry for himself, and silently claim that he was in the most amount of pain.  He was, at least in his head. 

A month of this pain, and it was the weekend, the beginning of a week long break for the end of the term.  After this was exams, then Christmas break.  Although Louis was usually excited for this time of year, he was miserable.  All he wanted was Harry. 

He was mulling it over for the nine hundredth time in his mind when I piece of paper fluttered out of his locker when he opened it.  Exchanging his books quickly, he dove into his classroom and opened the paper, curious.

My dearest Louis-

I wish I could tell you that this letter contained the news you want so very desperately to hear, but it doesn't, and for that I'm sorry.  It does, however, contain my reasons for telling you no even though every fiber in my body wanted to say yes. 

I mean, I told you it wouldn't be fair or right to jump into your arms right after  hurting Niall the way I did, but it was more than that, so much more.  Truth is, I didn't know if I should really just assume that I felt for you, do a little soul-searching, but Kadyn and Michael helped me.  They told me that to really solve all this, to know HOW, I would need to ask myself some things.  Who am I?  And what do I want?

It didn't take me long to come to the conclusion.  I'm Harry Styles, a very shy sixteen year old who recently gained and lost friends, and I want you, Louis.  Just you, no one else.  Not Niall, not anyone but you.  I'm hoping I haven't lost you by avoiding you, because that might just kill me. 

I spoke to Niall today, and we made up.  Things are still a little tense between us, but luckily for  me he understands-I explained everything to him-and gives me his blessing per se to go obtain whatever  my heart desires.  Plus there's Kadyn to put her boot up our asses if he and I ever start fighting again. 

The fact remains-I want to be with you, Louis Tomlinson, and I hope you can find it in your heart to meet me behind the school this afternoon, after we're let out for break. 

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