Chapter 1-Louis

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(Oh HAI! How you doing?  I'm doing good.  So welcome to the first chapter of my first ever Larry fanfic!  I ah-dore Larry, and I seriously enjoy reading Stylinson fanfics, so I decided to write one myself, see how it turns out.  Sooo...yeah, read on, vote, comment, and most importantly, enjoy!

P.S. The chapters will alternate between Louis' and Harry's POV, with possibly the occasional surprise POV from one of our supporting characters.

I'll shut up now.)

Chapter 1




"Go 'way."

"Louis, wake up.  Class is over, and we might want to scoot so we can get to lunch on time."

That woke Louis Tomlinson out of his haze.  He sat up and scrubbed at his blue eyes, pushing his feathery brown hair out of his face.  "Right, of course, gotta go to lunch and leave...uh...what class is this?"

Liam Payne rolled his eyes.  "History, Louis, now come on, we all know your favorite subject is lunch." 

Louis stretched, feeling his lean arm muscles ripple under his skin.  Sure, he played football, usually as a forward, but he made a decent goalie as well and worked out to stay in shape.  His body was a temple, he had to keep it in tip-top shape.  He also only put the pure things into it, and chose who worshipped at his altar. 

No one aside from Liam, his other friend Zayn, and his family knew that Louis would only let boys get anywhere near his altar, and Louis intended to keep it on the DL until he was ready to come out and let it be known to the world.  Despite his outgoing personality and habit of sometimes backtalking, Louis was a touch shy about his sexuality. 

Since no one else knew, Louis had to deal with girls all but throwing themselves at him every day.  Most just thought he was waiting for someone special, and the girls he turned down usually accepted his decline and, with a smile and wave, would go about their daily business.  Girls were nice to him, so he was always polite and treated them respectfully.  Plus his mother would still tan his hide to this day if she caught wind that he wasn't.  Being raised in a household with his mom and 4 younger sisters, he had been brought up with the knowledge to treat women well.  If he wasn't gay, any girlfriends he would have had would have been treated like queens. 

Louis had never had a girlfriend, he had never even pretended to be interested in girls, and his mum had already suspected when he told her he was gay. 

Despite that, it was a secret, and Louis was popular, smart, athletic, and his life would have been perfect if it hadn't been for one girl.  Eleanor Calder. 

It's not like Louis disliked Eleanor, God no, she was a very sweet girl and-if he was into women-would have her as his first choice.  She was pretty, tall, and a part-time model, but she wasn't shy about what she wanted and was extremely persistent.  And she wanted Louis.  In all honesty, her constant flirting and cavorting had been easy to brush off at first, but since it had become clear she wasn't giving up anytime soon, Louis was growing tired of it. 

"So how's your master plan in getting rid of El going?" Zayn Malik asked, appearing out of nowhere and falling into step with Liam and Louis as they wove towards the lunchroom.

Think of the devil, Louis thought as he rolled his eyes.  "Not so well.  El just doesnt' seem to get the fact that she is not what I'm looking for, unless she spontaneously became a guy." 

"I dunno, with her persistence, she just might if it means getting you," Liam joked.  He was usually the serious one of the three, but even he found amusement in Louis' predicament.  His smile faded as Luis glared at him. 

"I could just tell her I'm gay, but she can be a blabbermouth," Louis said.

Zayn nodded in agreement.  "She doesn't mean to be, but she has no filter.  Words come out wrong." 

"Yeah..." Louis trailed off as his gaze passed over a tall, almost gawky boy with curly chocolate hair and jade green eyes.  He had glanced at the group before returning to his books and bag, and Louis glanced at him briefly before turning his gaze towards the lunchroom doors.  Who was that kid?  Was he new here, or had Louis just never noticed him because he looked like he was trying to blend in with the wall? 

Any though process shattered when Eleanor saw the group enter and smoothed her hair before flouncing over to the trio, smiling at all of them but stopping in front of Louis. 

"Hi, Lou," El trilled with a smile.  Louis nodded to her and scanned the room for a small table, one where there wouldn't be enough room for her.  Unfortunately, the smallest tables were built to seat four.  He signed, resigning himself and sat down. She plopped into the seat next to him and began chattering on about some party going on this weekend.  Louis said "uh huh" at the appropriate moments, but mostly just tuned her out.  He knew she was going to try and convince him to go to the party with her, and he already had a "no thanks" sitting on the tip of his tongue.  He didn't really like parties anyway. 

"Louis, can I ask you something?" Eleanor questioned, getting his attention.  She was wearing a buttery yellow dress with a black low-cut sweater over it and looked awesome, but Louis knew what was coming. 

"Sure," he muttered. 

"I always ask you out, and you always say no...why?"

"I'm just not interested in you as more than a friend, El," Louis explained in the most patient voice he could muster.  "I'm flattered and all, but you're just not my type."  If only Eleanor knew she would never be Louis' type. 

"Oh...well why didn't you just tell me that to begin with?" she asked with a pout settling over her full lips. 

"I thought I was making that clear from the start."

"Not really, and now I feel stupid," she sighed. 

"Hey," Louis said, lifting her chin so she could meet his eyes.  "I like you El, as a friend, and I value our friendship, but that's all I want with you.  Besides, there are better guys out there than me, ones who would fall head over heels for you.  So don't be too disappointed, okay?" 

"Alright...thanks, Lou, I'll see you in Math," she stood up and sauntered away. 

"Well...Liam said as he sat down with his lunch tray.  "That was easier than I thought."

"Now if only we could find an attractive boy for you," Zayn said with a sly wink. 

Louis' thoughts once again drifted to the curly-haired observer he'd seen on his way in.  Who was he, and why did Louis want to know?

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