Chapter 7-Louis

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Well, everyone, let's find out how stupid Louis may or may not be in his vying for Harry's attention. 

Louis felt stupid, walking down the street with a flower in his hand.   He wasn't much of a romantic, but Harry seemed like a sap.  The flowers and chocolate kind of guy, the kind of person who would think it was cute, not cheesy.  So Louis was going with his gut, and bought him a rose.  Clueless to flower meanings and such, he had bought an orange one-mainly because it was the most colorful.  

Reaching his home, Louis slipped upstairs and dug around in his desk until he found a scrap of paper, a pen, and some string.  He tied the paper around the stem, and did his best to write something semi-heartfelt.  He came up with-

"This rose may not be red

hopefully it won't make you blue

I may suck at poetry

but I think I love you."

He tore it up three seconds later.  Louis couldn't be a sap, it just wasn't in his nature.  So he looked through his drawers until he found some ribbon, tied it in a bow around the stem, and tucked another scrap in the bow with the words I hope you like flowers, because this isn't the last

He knew where Harry lived, he had been paying enough attention to him and Kadyn to know.  When he reached the two story clapboard house, he felt his body break out in nervous sweats.  Plus Kadyn's words were echoing in his head. 

Unless you are VERY careful, this is going to make things complicated.  Louis could be careful, but he wasn't sure just how careful he had to be.  Kadyn was making it sound like Harry's heart was made of glass, like it would shatter if Louis so much as touched it. 

Swallowing, Louis placed the rose on the doormat, rang the doorbell, and then all but dove into the bushes on the side of the house.  Normally he would have bolted like an opposing school's footie team was chasing him with bats, but he wanted to stick around, see Harry's reaction. 

The door opened to reveal the curly-haired boy.  He looked around, then saw the flower.  Picking it up, he smiled a little, putting his nose to the petals.  Louis watched, holding his breath, while Harry pulled the note out and read it over.  His brow furrowed, while his eyes darkened in confusion.  He tucked the paper into his pocket, pulled out his phone, and started texting someone while he stepped inside, the other hand clutching the rose tightly. 

Louis left the moment the door shut, not wanting to be caught creeping in someone's bushes. 


Monday rolled around, and Louis was ready to bite his nails down to nothing, he was so nervous.  He had another flower, some kind of long-stemmed thing with ruffly petals, and he went with white to keep it simple...not that sneaking this into Harry's locker would be simple.  He was Louis Tomlinson, and people liked to be around him.  If he asked, Liam and Zayn would shoo people away if Louis was in a foul mood, but they always asked why, and Louis wasn't anywhere close to being ready to tell them about his confusing crush on Harry. 

So Louis waited by his locker, watching Harry, who seemed nervous, constantly running his hands through his curls, occasionally twisting and pulling at random pieces while he spoke to Kadyn.  Niall was MIA, Louis hoped he wasn't in school today, it would make it easier to talk to Harry.  Not that Louis had anything against the blonde Irish lad, he seemed like a very nice guy, it's just that Louis wanted to speak to Harry alone, and since the two were seemingly dating, it'd be hard to detach them. 

The warning bell rang, and Louis cursed.  He was going to be late, because he still had to get his things and slip the flower in his bag into Harry's locker, which wasn't going to happen if Harry was still there.  Muttering some not-too-kind things to himself about his lack of planning skills, Louis began grab his books and folders, trying his best to get them all into his pack without crushing the floofy flower in the process. 

The final bell rang, and Louis realized the hall was empty, aside from him and a straggler or two.  He tugged the flower out of his bag, and making sure the coast was clear, wrapped another note around the stem, reading I know this is sudden, but I saw this and thought of you.  Corny and very little sense, but Louis was trying his best.  He slid it between the locker grates, and turned to go to his class, to find himself nose to nose with a very angry-looking Kadyn. 

"What. Are. You. DOING?!" she shrieked at top volume, not caring who heard her and ignoring the "be quiet" gestures Louis was giving her.  "Didn't I tell you to be careful?  Huh?  Didn't I?  I did, I distinctly remember telling you to be extremely careful about what you're doing when vying for Harry's attention!  Harry thought the first flower you dropped on him was from Niall, and when he texted his thanks, and Niall let him know he didn't send the flower, Harry freaked!  I have spent the whole damned weekend trying to get him to calm down, and let me tell you, it is TIRING!"  She tugged at her hair, which lay unusually flat and listless around her face.  Louis also noticed the fact that she was in yoga pants and a hoodie, her face was free of her eyeliner pension, and the only makeup she was wearing was undereye concealer, which was doing close to nothing for the bags under her eyes.

"I just went with my gut, Kadyn," Louis stuttered, taking a small step back.  Even when she was tired to the point of falling over, the wild-child girl still scared him half to death.  "He seems like such a romantic, the kind of person who would appreciate flowers and stuff like that." 

"Oh, he appreciates it all right," Kadyn said, rubbing her eyes.  "He appreciates it so freaking much he wants me to help him find out who it is, so he can thank them and let them know he's seeing someone else.  Problem is, I already know who did it." She glared at him.

"You didn't say anything, did you?" Louis wondered. 

Kadyn rolled her eyes.  "Of course not.  For starters, you got yourself into this, you're going to deal with it, not me.  Second, if I told him it was you, he'd have a conniption.  Because he likes Niall, quite a bit, but I'm pretty damn sure he's in love with you.  So here's my suggestion."  She beckoned him closer, and leaning close to his ear, said "Back off, you nimrod!  Just say hi to him in the hall or something!"  At top volume, making Louis regret ever coming any closer to her than five feet.  At that, she pivoted on the heel of her tattered Vans, and stomped into her class, where Harry had walked out of seconds before. 

Louis froze, stepping away from his locker.  Luckily, Harry didn't seem to notice, and Kadyn said something to him, clapping him on the shoulder before walking back into the room.  Harry's eyes landed on Louis, and before he could do his usual look-away-and-blush act, Louis smiled at him, winking as he walked into the room behind Kadyn.

Louis sat down next to Liam, who gave him a nod and a mild disapproving look, probably for being late.  Liam was the most studious out of the three, and usually would push Louis and Zayn to work harder.  Louis gave an apologetic smile, and glanced behind him.

Harry was staring at him, looking a cross between shocked and delighted.  Louis smirked and waved before turning back around. 

Huh.  Maybe this wouldn't be so hard...

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