Chapter 17-Louis

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(Oh HAI! Sorry I've been like, kind of AWOL with talking to you guys. I've always been more of a writer, talking is not my strong suit. Plus, I don't have much to say. Got a new job, working the graveyard shift, plus there's school. So if you guys don't get updates for a while, I'm sorry, but I've gotta juggle my life too. But anyway, let's carry on!

Read, vote, comment, and as always, enjoy! Kthxbaaiiiiiii!)

Louis could hear shuffling. He sighed, rolling over and pulling the covers over his head. He knew it was his mom and sisters, preparing to wake him up because it was Christmas Eve, and ergo, his birthday. But it didn't matter what they were doing, because all Louis wanted was to go back to sleep.

Everything grew quiet, and Louis internally heaved a sigh of relief. He was drifting off when suddenly he was jolted back in to reality when he heard this:

"Good morning, Tomlinson residence! Today it is December 24th, at 10:30 am, it is snowing, as well as freezing-fricking cold out, there's pancakes, courtesy of one Harry Styles on the table, and I was not supposed to do this but I got tired of waiting! So will Louis Tomlinson PLEASE get THE HECK OUT OF BED!"

Louis sat up and glared at Kadyn, who was grinning and idly swinging a megaphone back and forth from her finger. He was also aware of his mother and sisters, who were all laughing uproariously at Kadyn's harsh method of getting him to get up, but what little energy he had was focused on his orange-haired friend and her weapon of choice-increased vocal volume.

"How do you have a megaphone?" Louis asked. "I know you're not a cheerleader."

"Easy. I walked into the cheerleaders' practice area and borrowed one, I'll give it back after break."

"So you stole it?"

"Borrowed without permission, I have full intention of giving it back eventually," Kadyn replied, flapping her hand dismissively. Now, do me a favor and go downstairs so we can eat pancakes, Harry won't let us touch them until you get up."

"Give me five more minutes, that was the worst wake-up call ever," Louis complained, and his family left. Kadyn still stood there, hands on hips.

"You poor thing," she mocked. "Awoken on your birthday so you can actually live. Poor, poor Louis. Do you want me to get Harry so he can come cuddle you?"

"Well, if you're offering to-"

"NO! UP! NOW!" she shrieked into the megaphone, and then darted out as Louis threw a pillow at her. She cackle-dodged it, and then went downstairs, laughing the whole way down. He rolled over until he was on his side, then swung his legs over the edge of the bed until his toes touched the carpet. Once he stood, he almost fell back down at the wave of head rush. Once it passed, he dragged his body downstairs and was greeted by more faces than he expected.

There was Kadyn, obviously, but she was draped all over Michael as usual. Ashton, Luke, and Calum were walking in, presents under their arms. Kadyn pointed to the stack of gifts on the counter. Zayn and Liam waved to Louis as he walked in, both smiling and in high spirits. Even Niall was there. He still had a faint bruise on his cheek, and there was a cut on his lip, but otherwise he looked fine. He even smiled at Louis as he walked in, with a greeting of "happy birthday, mate."

"Yeah, happy birthday, Lou!" chirped Daisy, while Pheobe pouted. "I wanted to say that Daisy!"

"Settle," Kadyn said. "Why don't you both say it to him? Or better yet, just go give him a hug so he can sit down! I have pancakes with my name on them."

"No you don't," Michael said. "The pancakes are communal, babe."

"Pft, I totally intend to remedy that situation," she said, holding up a can of whipped cream. "If I am kept from my pancakes for more than sixty seconds I am going to spray my name on ALL of them."

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