Chapter 8-Harry

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(Oh HAI guys! Well, back in the saddle, back on the bandwagon, etc.  And we're back to Harry, let's see what he thinks about all the hubbub he's feeling. Onward!)

Harry was shell-shocked.  It was like everything had happened in slow motion.  Kadyn, who's muffled, intelligible shouting had been heard, stomped back into the room after telling him "it's nothing, he's my partner for a project and didn't do his part", and Harry had done his usual of peeking at Louis underneath his curtain of dark hair.  But before he could look away, Louis caught him and smiled at him.At him.  He even winked.  

Harry's breathing stopped.  His body froze.  And his heart had started beating so quickly it was vibrating.  Did Louis know who he was?  Was he finally noticing Harry?  Did he like him or just like him?

Stop it, Harry Edward Styles, right now!  Harry silently chided himself as he stared at the back of Louis' floofy hair.  He's probably just messing with you, and besides, anyone with eyes can tell he wouldn't be interested in someone like me...or anyone around here, for that matter.  Now stop it, think about something else, and move on with your life. 

Instead he pulled out his phone and texted Niall.  The blonde was curiously absent today, and Harry was worried about him.  But he didn't really miss him just yet.  But he still cared enough to find out where he was. 

To: Nialler <3- Are you alright?  First period is going by without you.

From: Nialler <3- I'm ok.  I'm not feeling 2 good today, so my mum said I could stay home. 

To: Nialler <3- Is this about the flower?  I told you, someone is just screwing with me.  They've had their fun, it's over.  And if it persists, you know that I can sic Kadyn on whoever it is.

From: Nialler <3- I'll admit, that still bothers me, but I am feeling rly sick.  Hopefully it won't last 2 long.

To: Nialler <3- Do you want me to come over after school?  I'll bring you chicken soup and some movies to keep you entertained while you're bedridden.

From: Nialler <3- I'm not dying, ur making it sound like I'm terminally ill, but yeah, soup and movies sound gr8.  C U after skool, just make sure ur wearing a mask or just keep ur distance, I don't want to get u sick.

Harry grinned, and Kadyn nudged him with a look.  He passed his phone to her, and she rolled her eyes but smiled at the messages between the two.  Unfortunately, the dent between her brows hadn't vanished since her semi-heard screaming match with Louis.  He must have been a total dope to not do his half of a project when Kadyn was his partner.  She was easy to compare with a vicious rabid animal; but she was also fiercely protective of those who mattered to her, so luckily Harry hadn't ever had to be on the recieving end of her claws. 

When the bell finally rang, Kadyn kissed Harry on the cheek in lieu of goodbye and bolted down the hall, where she had French class with Micheal.  Harry couldn't help grinning, poor Micheal had Kadyn's heart, but he was too wrapped around her finger to even notice. 

His grin vanished when he opened his locker, and another flower fell out of it.  A white carnation, with another note tied around it.  His fist clenched around the stem, his large hand almost snapping the stem.  Why would this person screw with him again?  And why with flowers? 

"Hey, mate, what's with the scowl?  You look like you're ready to kill," a voice broke into his thoughts. 

Harry looked up from the spot on the floor he was glaring at, to find himself face-to-face with Louis Tomlinson.  He automatically blushed, always embarrassed when those blue eyes landed on him, even just for a second.  "Ah-" he started. 

"Sorry, where are my manners?" Louis shook his head at himself.  "I'm Louis Tomlinson.  You're Harry right?  The one who's friends with Kadyn?  We have English together," he offered, holding out his hand. 

Harry took it, his hand almost enveloping Louis'.  "I-I know who you are, e-everyone does.  Aft-after all, you're the famous L-L-L-Louis Tomlin-linson," Harry stuttered out.  He was so nervous, that he was stuttering like some deranged fool, he could barely even get Louis' name out. 

"Mellow, curly cat," Louis said, gently tugging one of Harry's curls, smirking like he was amused when it boinged back into place.  "No need to act like I'm some idol, I'm just a guy, I don't bite." 

Harry flushed again.  "How do you even know me?  You never even saw me before today."

"Quite the contrary, Hazza," Louis said calmly.  "I just never talked to you before today, and decided that you seemed pretty interesting, so I am changing the fact." 

Harry wanted to pass out.  Louis thought he was interesting?  Had he fallen down the rabbit hole?  Got sucked into a vortex?  Walked into an alternate universe?  Entered the Twilight Zone?  Because that had to be the only logical explanation for what was happening right now.  This was not reality, it couldn't be. 

"Haz? Hello?  Anyone home in there?" Louis gently rapped on Harry's skull. 

That brought Harry back, although he wasn't sure to exactly where he was brought back to.  "Sorry, what were you saying?" 

"I was asking who gave you that," Louis nodded at the bent flower in Harry's grasp.

Harry chucked it in the trash.  "I don't know, but whoever they are they need to stop screwing with me."

A flash of something passed over Louis' eyes, but it disappeared quickly.  "Are you sure?  Maybe you've got a secret admirer." 

Harry shook his head, his hair smacking his cheek as he did so.  "No way.  Nobody even notices me, Kadyn and Niall are my only friends, and Niall is more than a friend.  Since Niall says he didn't send me the first flower I got, I assume it's just some asshole playing with my head."

"Don't be so negative, Haz," Louis said, falling into step as Harry started to walk towards music, his next class.  "I don't know why, but I've got a good feeling about your flower."

"Well whoever it is should give it up, I have Niall," Harry said firmly. 

Louis rolled his eyes, but nodded.  "Do you wanna partner up in music?  Looks like we have duets coming up," he said, reading the board as they walked in. 

Harry raised his eyebrows, surprised.  "You wanna partner with me?  What about your friends?" he pointed to where Louis' friends Liam and Zayn were sitting. 

"They'll probably partner with each other, c'mon," Louis begged, sounding almost whiny.

Harry giggled a little.  "Alright, as long as you stop with the whiny tone of voice." 

They picked out a practice room and set to work.

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