Chapter 21- Louis

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(Oh HAI! How is everybody reading, aside from mad at me for not working on this! I'm sowwy, I've got 4 jobs and adulting and it distracts me from working on this. But I'm here, I'm alive, and it's time to move forward.

Dedicating this to nimomaja15 for adding this story to their reading list!

And I'm sorry, dear readers, but I think this story is wrapping up. I've had this around for years, and as much as I have loved 1D and shipped Larry and read piles of stories both in the real world and in AU, I think I'm ready to finish my own crack at it and move on. Thank you to all who read this, who supported me, and enjoyed what I've done. Now let's get going, time to wrap it up).

Louis woke up naked and tangled in his sheets. For a half-second, he assumed he was in Harry's room, considering what had happened between them last night. He glanced around to see that he was indeed in his own room, alone, both his and Harry's tux from last night lying in a rumpled heap on the floor. He sighed and started picking them up, knowing his mother would go into conniptions if she saw the tux she had tailored, dry cleaned, and ironed for him on the floor, wrinkled. He knew his mother wouldn't be home until tomorrow evening, but he knew if he didn't clean it up now it would stay there.

After he hung it up and folded Harry's tux for him, he pulled on some boxers and a tee, and padded out of his room to search for his boyfriend. The smell of frying bacon hit his nose, and he followed the smell to the kitchen, to see his boyfriend in nothing but boxers and what appeared to be Louis' button up from last night on, poking at the sizzling bacon with a turning fork.

As if sensing Louis' arrival, Harry turned and smiled sleepily at him, and Louis frowned. Harry looked pale, and the bags under his eyes showed a lack of sleep, if any.

"Haz...did you sleep last night?"

Harry shook his head. "Not much. I was scared that if I fell asleep, I'd wake up and last night would be a dream." He shifted and winced. "I can tell it wasn't but still."

"Get your tush in bed now," Louis said, one hand on hip and he pointed towards the stairs. When Harry opened his mouth to protest, Louis raised and eyebrow and tilted his head, daring Harry to say something. Sighing in defeat, he flipped the bacon onto a plate, turned off the burner, and shuffled back towards bed. Louis followed, the bacon Harry had so thoughtfully made forgotten, as he ushered his tired boyfriend back to bed.

He sat beside Harry, pulling the blankets around them both, and turned to face Harry. "I love you, but good Lord you are a colossal idiot sometimes."

Harry pouted at Louis, his brow scrunching. "Why?"

Louis almost chuckled as he tucked an errant strand of Harry's overgrown hair behind his ear. "Because, Hazza, you should know by now that I'm not going anywhere. I love you more than anyone in the world, and if you think I would leave you, truly, then I have misjudged you. I want to be with you for as long as possible, and make sure that no one-not Niall, not even Kadyn-is going to take you away from me."

As if on cue, Louis' door burst open, and there was Kadyn, her leg still in kung-fu kicking position, and a shoe print on Louis now open door. She also had the plate of bacon in her hands, and a piece hanging from her mouth. "Morning, boys," she sing-songed, flouncing in and seating herself on Louis' desk chair like she belonged there. Better than her interjecting herself into the cuddle that Louis and Harry were having, and turning it into what she called "a cuddle puddle". Gnawing on another strip of bacon, she raised an eyebrow expectantly. "Well?" she said impatiently. "Tell me all about your night. I mean, I know something happened, as both of you are still in bed, Harry looks like he hasn't slept, Louis has sex-hair, and there is an empty condom package and bottle of lube on the end table. I assume you have been up, because the clothes are put away and Louis, I know for a fact you can't cook bacon to this level of perfection."

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