Chapter 8 -Half Moon

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Half Moon's POV

Jaypaw was curled up sleeping in his nest when Half Moon laid down.

She had to wait for everyone to fall asleep before waking him up.

Half Moon laid down with a sigh.

Earlier, Stormfur and Brook had ambushed her with questions of Jaypaw. They were worried she had fallen for him.

Half Moon had spent ages convincing them her and Jaypaw are just freinds.

In the end, Half Moons parents gave up, warning her to be careful. At the end of the day, Half Moon had to drag herself into her nest with a feeling of deep dread and sorrow.

She wasnt upset with her parents, she was upset with herself. Because she had fallen for a cat who was off limits.

Half Moon had never wanted a mate before. She had wanted to become a strong tribe cat, who was well respected.

Now, she wasnt sure what she wanted. She still wanted to be the strong cat she'd always dreamed of being. But she also wanted to heal cats. She loved sorting though herbs, and learning how to heal cats. But in the end, what she wanted most of all, what she could never have, was Jaypaw.

Maybe I should just tell him..... No. He's leaving soon, and it would just complicate things. The worst that could happen is him not liking me back, and not wanting to be freinds anymore. Half Moon thought that was a horrible risk. And besides... The best thing that could happen is that he likes me back, but where would that leave us. He'd still have to go home and be a medicine cat.

Half Moon sighed. No matter what, the result of her telling him would just suck. They could never have a happily ever after, so it was better that they separate on... good, terms.

After waiting a little bit, Half Moon opend her eyes and checked to make sure everyone was sleeping.

"Their asleep." A voice behind her announced.

Half Moon jumped up, but when she seen who it was she let out a sigh of relief.

"Jaypaw! You scared me!" She squealed.

"Shhhhh. You'll wake them up." He shushed her.

Half Moon gave him a mocking glance. "How do you know their even sleeping?"

Jaypaw shrugged. "Their breathing sounds diffrent when their sleeping.... let's go."

Before Half Moon could even question why Jaypaw would study their breathing, Jaypaw had slowly started to lead the way outside.

Half Moon shook her head. There was no need to questions his insanity.

After walking in silence, they finally got to the ledge.

Jaypaw sat down with a sad sigh. "This is only my second time coming up here. And its already my last."

Half Moon chuckled sadly. "I'll get to come up here forever. Maybe I'll sit up here thinking of all the time we spent togther."

"That's not fair." Jaypaw stated.

Half Moon let out a laugh. "If everything was fair, we'd be a bunch of fat, lazy cats, laying around with our paws our. They hardships of our life is what forms us into formidable cats."

Jaypaw rolled his eyes. "When I go back to the clans, I'll have nothing to rember you by." Jaypaw stated. "For Starclans sake, I dont even know what you look like."

"Well, I'm a white cat, with emerald eyes. Pretty simple, if you ask me." Half Moon said, trying to lighten the mood.

Jaypaw hissed. "I didn't."

The Mountins (Jayfeather/Half Moon)Where stories live. Discover now