Chapter 17

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Jayfeather's POV

A/N- This chapter talks alot about Hollyleaf's death, and other parts of Jayfeathers life that are in the books. Sorry if I do a really bad job explaining it, or if they some facts wrong.

Where could she possibly have heard that name? Jayfeather thought. His head was spinning, and he couldn't focus on anything but that.

Maybe it means something... maybe.. somhow.. she's the other Half Moon? Jayfeather took a moment to consider it, no. Its impossible... is it though, I was once an ancient cat, why couldn't the same be said for her?

Jayfeather jumped when Half Moon cleared her throat. They were sitting on the rock ledge, their secret place.

She was staring straight at him, and Jayfeather could feel her impatience gathering.

"S-sorry. I was thinking about somthing.." Jayfeather said. He was still trying to shake away the weird feeling her earlier words had brought.

"That's okay." Half Moon said hurriedly. She was extremely nervous, and could not keep her feelings together like she normally did.

They sat in awkward silence for awhile, before Jayfeather finally broke it. "How've you been?"

"I'm good." She tilted her head, her gaze thoughtful, "There really isn't anything interesting that happened here, except the trespassers. " She chuckled.

Jayfeather huffed. "They're still around."

"Yea, but what can we do. Their stronger than us." Half Moon said bitterly.

"Maybe we can help again?" Jayfeather suggested. Half Moon sent him a doubtful glance.

"Mind explaining what's happening with you now?" Half Moon asked, ignoring his question

"Its a very long story." Jayfeather warned, letting her change the subject.

"I don't care. I like stories, surely you rember that." She joked.

Jayfeather chuckled. He did remember that. "Just warning you, your about to get my entire life story."

Half Moon didn't say anything, waiting for him to continue. Jayfeather got the message.

"Well, where do I start?" He questioned, more to himself than Half Moon.

I'm not telling her about the ancient cats, or the prophecy... that's to much.

"H-hollyleaf.. she..." Jayfeather decided to give the worst new first. Half Moon was already looking worried. Jayfeather caught his throat, building up the courage to say it. "Hollyleaf died."

Half Moon gasped. "How?" She tilted her head, thinking.

She looks so cute when she does that

"I don't mean to pry. If it's to personal, or hard to talk about, you don't have to. I understand how hard it is."

Jayfeather almost spat out somthing mean, her sympathy annoying him. But then he rember who she was, and that she had gone threw this before.

"I can. It's just I really long story of what happened."

"Well, tell me as much as you can in the time you have." Half Moon said softly.

"There was a fire in the Thunderclan woods." Jayfeather stopped at the feeling of Half Moons horror that washed over him. "Don't worry, she didn't die in the fire."

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