Chapter 61

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I'm sat in our lounge snuggled up to Jack, feeling completely drained. I can hear Daniel walking with Grace from room to room in a desperate attempt to get her to sleep. But truthfully, I am under no elusion that Daniel is pacing to try and process the day's events.

My mind still whirls despite the exhaustion, reliving all the sordid details of my relationship with Ed. Daniel did not let go of my hand while I answered what felt like hundreds of questions from Detective Phillips and his female colleague. Although I've been honest with Daniel and answered his questions about Ed, there were violent events dredged up that even I had buried deep beyond my normal consciousness. As we were already aware, Detective Phillips is a great police officer who knew just the right questions to ask.

My body shivers when I remember Daniel's pained expression as I recalled events from the past, or when I could see tears in his eyes while I spoke.

"I want him dead." Daniel says from the doorway, making me jump. He continues to rock Grace who stubbornly refuses to sleep. "I hate that he has this power over me! I mean... I try to be a good person... a good man. But, he just brings out this pure hatred in me that I want to kill him myself." Daniel's voice wobbles before he clears his throat, he then kisses Grace's head tenderly as she finally drifts off the sleep.

I swiftly place Jack in his Moses basket, then take a sleeping Grace from Daniel. I place her in her Moses basket next to Jack. With trembling hands I embrace Daniel, holding him tight. I feel his body melt into mine. "He can't hurt me anymore. Talking about it is cathartic for me. I'm using what happened to help someone else, and to make sure he can never hurt anyone ever again. I've told you before, doing this is empowering me."

"You're so brave, Lizzie. The things I've heard today from the lips of my wife made me feel like I was going to be sick. I-"

"Sshhh." I whisper as I kiss his lips. "It's just words now. It's all in the past."

Without warning he kisses me fiercely as though he is channeling all of the hurt into our kiss. Without a seconds pause, I reciprocate, desperately willing him to understand that I need him as much as he needs me. Daniel groans into my open mouth before our tongues collide for the first time in weeks. My hand wanders to the hem of his jumper, but he prevents me from lifting it up.

"You sure you're ready?" He asks seriously, pulling away from me slightly to see my reaction.

A wave of doubt rushes over me, aware that the first time, five weeks after labour is not going to be the most enjoyable experience of my life. I open my mouth to lie, but realise he will know I'm lying. "Yes and no." I mutter. "Medically, the nurse said I'm healed enough for us to have sex. But mentally, I'm not sure. I want to, but I'm also aware that's it's probably going to be uncomfortable... for both of us." I sigh and rest my forehead against his, knowing my honesty has probably killed the moment. "It's going to have changed us."

Daniel takes my face in his hands and kisses me again with as much passion as before. "Lizzie, we will take it at your pace. I'm aware we will have to take things slowly for a while." He smiles reassuringly, and my heart skips a beat. "We will get back to us."

"One shag at a time." I chuckle quietly.

Unexpectedly, Daniel bellows with laughter. I swiftly cover his mouth with my hand to avoid disturbing the twins. "One shag at a time." He repeats with a wicked grin once I have removed my hand. "Now where were we?" He mumbles against my neck while he unbuttons my blouse.


Once the twins are settled in their room I notice a missed FaceTime call from Willow. Returning her call, I show her the twins and she gushes over them enthusiastically.

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