Chapter 11

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"Why did your Mom choose this place?" I ask Daniel as we enter the most opulent, but pompous restaurant I have ever seen. The walls are deep maroon with overbearing gold decor. The dim lighting only adds to the misplaced grandeur that the restaurant is trying to achieve. Just by looking around at the clientele in here, I know this wouldn't have been Daniel's choice.

"It's her favourite place in London. So when she's around, we always come here." He shrugs, but pulls me towards him so he can whisper in my ear. "It's vulgar, isn't it?"

I burst out laughing and nod enthusiastically, covering my mouth with little grace. Some of the haughty diners look up at us in annoyance at my childish outburst, but Daniel just smirks back sarcastically.

We are escorted through to a private dining room which is just as over the top as the rest of the restaurant. I notice Curtis first who beams towards us. He nudges Madison with a nervous smile, and says something sternly to her before standing to greet us.

"Daniel... Lizzie... you both look wonderful." Curtis says as he kisses me and then engulfs Daniel in a short hug.

"Hey, Curtis." Daniel says warmly.

"Hi again. It's good to see you." I respond swiftly.

"Daniel!" His mother shrieks, completely bypassing me to reach him. Exactly the same as each time I have met Madison, she is immaculate. She's dressed in a white fitted dress with a wide black belt, high black court shoes and her glossy dark hair is pinned up in a neat bun. I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes at her dramatic performance.

"Hi, Mom." He says simply as she holds his face in her hands to study his features.

"You've lost too much weight. Is she looking after you properly? She's not, is she? I knew you should have come to stay with us." Her formal tone seems insincere to my ears, but I refuse to give her the satisfaction of a reaction.

"I'm fine! Doc is really pleased with me. Lizzie has been taking really good care of me, haven't you?" He looks at me pleadingly, clearly uncomfortable with his Mom's unusual show of emotion and is looking for a way out.

"Oh, I didn't see you there. Hello, Lizzie." She speaks formally as she releases Daniel, but doesn't move towards me.

You just fucking pushed passed me! I take a deep breath before I lose my shit. "Hello, Madison. Daniel is recovering from a gun shot... so it's going to take time. He's getting better every single day." I speak as softly as I can, trying not to show how pissed off I am already.

If you'd have bothered to come and see him over the last three weeks, you'd have seen how much better he is.

Don't say it, my brain screams.

Don't say it.

Don't say it.

Thankfully, Curtis diffuses the tension. I'm somehow able to regain my composure and bite my tongue. "Well I think you're looking bloody marvellous... considering." Curtis leans across to Madison and I think I hear him whisper "behave," very quietly.

We take our seats and the waiter hands us all a menu. My eyes practically water at the ridiculous prices before me. No wonder she picks this place every time she dines with Daniel because I imagine he pays every single time. I glance across at her discreetly and she's wearing the most smug grin across her plump bright red lips.

"I'm having the usual." She comments, placing the menu down before her.

Daniel leans across and points towards a lobster dish when I furrow my brows. Before I have chance to control my reaction, I know that my eyes open wide in shock at the price. Luckily, Daniel seems oblivious as his attention returns to looking at the menu.

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