Chapter 38

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Sitting back in the chair in the walled garden of our London home, I jump from a sharp pain in my ribs as the twins fight for room inside my ever expanding belly. I lift my top to see my skin pulse and ripple as they kick and squirm while I rub my stomach. I can't keep the grin off my face feeling them react to my touch.

Although I'm enjoying the silence after a hectic day in the office with Harrison, I cannot wait for Daniel to call me. Turning my wrist I see from my watch that it's just after six, and know he will be calling anytime now. I reread his last text message saying he will make sure to get a break from filming around six, so to make sure I'm home by then. It's only been three days since he left for filming, but it feels like weeks already.

My mind wanders to our most recent emotional goodbye as I sip my cool lemonade. With our wedding put on ice, and Daniel still reeling from his Mother's revelations, I really didn't want him to go back to filming so soon. Actually, if I'm being honest with myself, being on a movie set is exactly what Daniel needs, but I just didn't want him to leave me this time.

Seven days I've continually reminded myself... it's only for seven days. Then he's home for a few days.

The phone begins to vibrate across the glass table making me smile when I glance down to see Daniel's perfect face light up the screen. Without waiting another second, I slide the answer button across and lift the phone to my ear. As if sensing my excitement, our babies energetically kick and wriggle.

"Hey you!" My tone is probably a little too excitable for the start of a telephone conversation, but I've really missed him today. God, I'm a hormonal wreck!

Daniel chuckles softly in response. "Hey, beautiful. How are you feeling this evening? How are my babies?"

"Your babies are playing football with my internal organs!" I pretend to be upset, but know that my lighthearted voice gives me away.

"They kicking away?" He asks.

"Most of the day today. We're nearly there with Harrison's campaign too, filming starts in a couple of days for the first advert. So I'm still hopeful it'll all be in place and ready to roll out for when I start maternity leave."

"I know how stubborn you are, but please take it easy. You're nearly seven months pregnant, remember?" Daniel's tone is suddenly serious.

"How could I possibly forget?" I tease as I feel a kick into my ribs in defiance.

"Well, as long as you're feeling OK I'm so glad to hear the campaign is still on track. You will smash it, I know you will... cannot wait to see it!"

"So, how has your day been?" I ask, feeling my tone darken with each word that spills from my lips. I've been waiting to ask him this all day.

"Fine." He answers simply, not giving anything away.

"Fine?" I repeat immediately. "Did you see Marcus today?" I ask nervously, desperately wanting to hear that he's still keeping his appointments with his therapist.

"Honest, babe, I'm fine. Of course I met with Marcus! I told you, I'm making sure I meet with him every day to talk things through. I'm not going to go backwards with my mental health because of my Mother... I've got too much to look forward to." His voice sounds so calm and serene, like he is talking about the weather... not his wicked witch of a Mother.

"You can talk to me about anything, you know?"

"I know I can, and hopefully I've proved that to you! My Mother has pulled shit like this my entire life, so feeling let down, used and betrayed by her is nothing new. But... what is new is that this time I have you to lean on. Marcus has also given me a good insight that her behaviour says more about her than it does about me... What she does is outside of my control, but how I react to her behaviour is within my control. I accept it, and I choose to move on with my life."

I let out a long sigh of relief. "When did you become so wise?"

"When I met you." His tone is full of sarcasm.

"Pipe down, Casanova!" I giggle.

"Have you managed to organise meeting up with anyone this week?" He asks changing the subject.

"It's so strange, no one is available this week! Caroline and Jeremy are on a baby moon, Sarah and Ben are having a week away in the sunshine, Mom and Dad are busy all week, even Helen isn't around! What's weird is that normally I'm inundated with photographs of their adventures on WhatsApp when they're away, but I've had hardly anything from any of them."

"Awww, you feeling annoyed that people have plans that don't include you?" He teases.

"Well... yeah." I admit with a shrug.

"I'll be home in four days-"

I cut him off. "I know, I know! Look, I'm so busy with Banner hotels anyway, and I'm sleep deprived because of our acrobats in training. I'm just feeling sorry for myself."

"They're calling me back to set." He pauses. "I'm coming!" He yells while covering the handset. "Remember, do not go up to the Cotswolds house this week, all the work is being done to the basement so it's a building site. I don't want you there on your own. It's dangerous. OK?"

I roll my eyes at his hundredth reminder to stay put in London this week. "I know! Have fun on set and I'll speak to you tomorrow. I love you."

"Can I call you later, once I've finished filming?" He asks hopefully.

"What time will that be, roughly?" I ask hesitantly knowing how late his shoots have been running.

"Midnight... ish?"

"Babe, I'm not going to make it past ten tonight. I could go to bed right now, if I'm being honest. So, no... if you don't mind... just let me sleep."

I hear him laugh softly. "OK, no problem. Will call you tomorrow. I love you."

"Love you too." I respond before ending the call.

Once the screen returns to normal, I check my messages. Letting out a sigh when I see nothing new, I send a message to Caroline and Sarah on our group to ask how their holidays are going, but see that neither of them are online.

- hey guys

I'm so sorry for the delay, had soooo much going on!

Hope you're all ok and safe in these crazy and uncertain times!

Please let me know what you think of this chapter. It's a bit of a filler, but hope you're glad to see Daniel doing well!

I appreciate your support more than you could ever know. Please tick the little star too! Love T xxx -

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