Chapter 3

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Watching his fingers knot and twist repeatedly as though he is trying to ring out a wet cloth makes me feel more nervous that I already did... if that's possible. Daniel's eyes must follow my gaze because he immediately stops, and places his hands on his knees. But, within two seconds his fingers begin to drum against his kneecaps.

"How are you feeling?" I ask to break the silence that has fallen in the back of Lawrence's car.

"All good." His strained tone and failure to look at me tells me a different story.

"Brilliant actor... rubbish liar in real life." I smirk playfully before reaching across to place my hand on his. Thankfully both of his hands engulf mine, ceasing his fidgeting.

"Pain killers are wearing off..." he takes a deep breath through gritted teeth. "...and I'm nervous to fuck!" He answers me honestly.

"I told you that you shouldn't have come today. You should still be in bed-"

Daniel cuts me off. "Doc said I was fine to come, and even if he didn't, there was no way on Earth I'm missing this." He lifts my hand to press his lips against my knuckles softly. Daniel's clean shaven face is smooth against my hand. I have to admit that I miss the friction of his stubble against my sensitive skin.

Instinctively, I almost lean into him. Thankfully, remembering his stitches just in time, I pull away. Instead, I squeeze his hand a little tighter. "I'm glad your here."

The vibration of his phone stops whatever Daniel was going to say when he opens, but then closes his mouth. He pulls his phone out of his pocket with a grimace of pain while he moves. Chris's name lights up the screen.

"I want to say Good Morning, but isn't it the middle of the night for you?" He playfully teases her.

Across the thousands of miles I can hear the tone of her animated response which makes Daniel laugh. I sit back in the seat, still holding onto Daniel's hand and lean my head back.

The call is mainly Chris talking. Daniel responds every now and then with a "yes," "no," or "OK."

Once he ends the call, I turn my head towards him. "Have you told her?" I ask. The question is more like an accusation when it leaves my lips.

"No, I haven't told her! I said I had a hospital appointment for a check up this morning. Is that OK with you?" His tone is just as clipped.

I nod my head slowly. "I'm sorry. I'm just...."

"Worried?" He asks with a furrowed brow.

"Worried, nervous, overwhelmed, terrified. But, at the same time... excited, thrilled, bewildered..." I look up to meet his intense stare. "I think that just about covers it."

"Add in frightened, but content! How fucked up is that." He rubs his hand down his face before gliding it through his wayward hair. "Today could well be the biggest day of my life."

"We're approaching the hospital." Lawrence's voice is clear and measured.

Daniel sighs as he pushes back his waves before putting on his baseball cap. He then puts the hood of his jumper over the cap to hide his face. Daniel's jaw is set in a hard line while he straightens the front of his cap.

"I know you hate having to do this, but it's important that you don't get recognised today." I speak as reassuringly as I can.

"I know... it's just so messed up... my choices... and all that." His expression is one of pure exhaustion.

"Daniel, please don't go down this path again. People want to know what you're doing, where you are, and who you're with! That's just how it is, I'm afraid."

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